Deputy Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,


The past 10 weeks have been filled with many learning opportunities, challenges, time to reflect and renew and opportunities to celebrate the wonderful school and community that we are.  With some restrictions still in place,  we have tried to share as much as possible via various social media platforms, class emails, newsletters,  and much more.  We hope you have enjoyed seeing our school in action via these platforms.


On Tuesday, Fr James Baptist visited the students preparing to make their Reconciliation.  Students gathered in the Tilley space and had the opportunity to deepen their understanding about Reconciliation by listening to Father and asking lots of questions.  


Yesterday Fr David Cartwright and Fr James Baptist the students in Years 3 and some of our students in Year 4 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Some of our students also received a blessing. We ask everyone in the school and community to continue praying for our newly reconciled students.

With just over a week til the school holidays and celebrating Easter with our friends and families.  Next week as a school community we come together to commemorate the significant events in Holy Week.  Mrs Emma Herbert (RE Leader has shared details of the upcoming liturgies in this week's newsletter).


With a number of outdoor liturgies and our school sports next week.  This is a timely reminder about the COVID-19 Vaccination requirements for Parents and Carers on School Sites.  MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) have shared guidelines which as a school governed by MACS we are obliged to adhere to.


Effective immediately, ALL parents, carers and other visitors attending the school, including drop-off and pick-up, must adhere to physical distancing, density limits and face mask requirements, and practise respiratory etiquette and good hand hygiene.


Schools must sight vaccination information for parents, carers and other adult visitors not performing work who enter school buildings and must have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or have a valid medical exemption, with the following limited exceptions:

  •  when attending to administer medical treatment to their own child where the treatment cannot be administered by the school
  • when attending to collect their child who is unwell and cannot leave the school building unaccompanied by their parent / carer
  • when attending for a momentary period that does not involve any sustained contact with staff, students, for example, to collect a completed art project or similar.

Parents, carers and other adult visitors attending school sites for drop-off and pick-up who do not enter school buildings do not need to comply with vaccination requirements.  However, parents, carers and other adult visitors attending a gathering at school, such as a fete, school play, or other ceremony, whether indoors or outdoors, need to show evidence of vaccination on arrival.


Please find attached the Guidelines in full.


Term 2 commences on Tuesday 26th April.  Please note that this is a specialist day, therefore students will need to wear their Sports uniforms to school.


As we commence next term it will be time to transition in Winter Uniforms.  It is optional for the students to begin wearing their winter uniform from the beginning of term 2. All students will need to be wearing their full School Winter Uniform by Week 3 - Monday 9th May.   As we are a sunsmart school, students will need to wear their hats depending on the UV rating. Sunsmart Australia suggests wearing a hat when the UV rating is 3 and above.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families a safe and Happy Easter. 

Please stay safe and healthy during the School Holidays.  We look forward to welcoming all students and families back next term.


School Closure Days for 2022


2023 School (Enrolment Tours) - NEW DATES AND TIMES

We are now taking bookings for our School Tours in preparation for 2022 School Enrolments.  This can all be done via the School's website. 

Can we kindly ask that you share the above  information with family and friends who are considering sending their child to a Catholic primary school.  Your 'word of mouth' speaks volumes and is appreciated in promoting the school.


Parents will need to register for the event as we will be capping numbers inline with current restrictions and inline with our CovidSafe Plan.  


Personal Tours will also be available by contacting the school office.


We will be maintaining strict COVID safe protocols, parents will need to follow our covid safe protocols which include; wearing a facemask where social distancing cannot be maintained, social distancing.


Please look out for the flyer that has been shared via the schools social media.




Dear St James families,


A friendly reminder that if you would like to enrol your child into Prep 2023 please let the school know and we will then send you an enrolment form.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school directly on ph 03 9596-4766 or via email:


Thanks in advance!


School Assemblies for Term 1, 2022

This term we will have a combination of virtual and onsite school assemblies:

Please find  below a list of times and dates.  Our school assemblies will be led by the students in Year 6B and Miss Black.

  • Friday 1st April - NOW at 1.20pm  Please note that the time of the Assembly has been brought forward to accommodate for Dad’s camp early departures.
  • Holy Week Liturgies and Project Compassion fundraising activities - Please refer to the information provided by Emma Herbert, in the Faith and Wellbeing section of the Newsletter.
  • Friday 8th April -  Assembly at 12.30pm (End of Term 1 and Easter Raffle)

 (Please refer to the St James parent Google Calendar for additional Information)


COVID-19 Safety at School

At St James we have put a number of strategies in place to reduce the risk of transmission.  No one strategy is 100% effective.  


Here are just some of the ways we are doing to keep our Students, School community and Staff safe and well. 


In light of current restrictions and inline with our School COVID Safety we ask that you respect and follow the following guidelines.

Access the Step by Step PDF here


Social Distancing


Thank you to all parents and carers who are helping the community to stay safe and healthy by keeping 1.5m apart at drop-off and pick-up times.


Although physical distancing will not apply to students in class, it does still apply to staff and parents. Therefore we ask that you respect our requests to minimise contact and continue with social distancing during drop off and pick ups, adults will also need to adhere to wearing masks when in public places including drop off and pick up.


St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 


Please click here to access the School Portal



Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 


               School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186



Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio

Deputy Principal