From the Executive Principal's Desk

As we move into the school holidays, I think all of us will be looking forward to enjoying a bit of a rest and making the most of opportunities to spend quality time with friends and family. Although there have been plenty of minor disruptions to learning due to COVID and the current rules about isolation, the school term itself was uninterrupted by a lockdown for the first time in over a year which has enabled us to have a sense of continuity throughout our learning program.
A big focus for all of us during the Term 1 holidays is of course the Easter story. For followers of Christ, the death and resurrection of Jesus is the most significant event in the church calendar. As a child, growing up in the church, I often thought that the crucifixion of Jesus was a terrible tragedy, that was overturned later by the resurrection. I have since come to understand that Jesus’ death on the cross was, in fact, a victory that was revealed by the resurrection.
Ultimately, Jesus came to save each and every one of us and his victory on the cross did just that. When we realise what He has done for us, all the barriers that stop us from connecting with God are removed. Sometimes, we forget this and create barriers of our own and others simply don’t realise and fail to grasp the amazing gift of God’s grace to us all. I pray that as we slow down over Easter, we will take time to appreciate God’s presence in our lives and connect with Him and each other as we inhabit and participate in the Kingdom that Jesus talked about so much.
May you all be richly blessed and refreshed over the coming weeks.
Grace and Peace.
Damian Higgins
Executive Principal