Principal's Report
What a wonderful celebration of 136 years we shared on Tuesday for our Foundation day Mass and luncheon. It was great to be able to come together as a whole College community, even if we were inside and out - using both basketball courts made it possible.
The smoking ceremony was an excellent reminder of the significance of the land we gather on every day. It was also a very spiritual and moving moment for all of us as we gathered and centred ourselves, ready for our liturgy. The musicians also added another dimension of prayer for us. After the Mass, our House Leaders arranged for lunch to be provided, the sharing of a meal is truly community. A really great College celebration.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have been privileged to attend a number of student events and classes. It is really pleasing to witness the level of engagement of our students, this was particularly noticeable at the Year 10 and 11 presentation of ‘Be Wise'. Our students were excellent! As we head to the end of term, remaining engaged may be slightly more challenging for some of our students, so we ask for parental/carer support regarding homework, study and school attendance. If parents or carers are concerned about an aspect of their child’s education, please contact the relevant teacher or arrange a meeting time for the Parent/Teacher/Student interviews as scheduled on Thursday 7 April. It is in partnership that we will have the greatest impact on your child’s education and experience at the College.
Plans continue with our Kildare Campus and we should start to see some of the above ground construction in the coming weeks. Very exciting times for the College and the wider community. We are also planning some improvements to our Brigidine Campus which will improve learning environments for our students. More on this in the months to come.
Anne Marie Cairns