Religious Education

Pope Francis Prayer focus for March

Let us pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges: may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action. Amen

Lent Week 4

During Lent we  give up something, pray more and challenge ourselves with almsgiving. The children have been challenged to do a job that is not their normal job and ask for a small payment for the CARITAS box.


Coming to Your Senses 

Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year C)

Coming to his senses he thought, “How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger.  I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.  I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers.’”  Luke 15:17–19 

Why do we cling to our sins?  This passage comes from the story of the Prodigal Son.  We should know that story well.  The son decided to leave his father and take his future inheritance, spending it on a life of sin.  When the money he had ran out, he was in desperate need.  So what did he do?  He came to his senses!

This line alone is worth our meditation.  First, it reveals what happens to a person who falls into a life of sin.  In this case, the son eventually reaped the fruit of his sin.  He found that his sin left him destitute and alone.  He didn’t know where to turn.  And though our sins may not be to the extent of this son, we will all experience the empty effects of the sins we commit, just as this son did.

The profound insight we can gain from this son is that he did come around.  Specifically, by “coming to his senses” he recognized two important things.  First, he realized that he is worth more than a life of destitution.  No one should have to live an impoverished and empty life.  Therefore, by seeing his own dignity he came to realize that he was made for more.

Secondly, he knew he could turn to his father.  What a blessing it was for him to know this.  The reason he knew he could turn to his father was that his father clearly loved him with unconditional love.  The mercy in the heart of the father was so strong that the son was aware of it and this awareness gave him confidence to turn to him. 

Reflect, today, upon this twofold action.  The son sees his misery and also sees his father as the person to whom he can confidently turn.  We must strive to do the same in our own lives.  The Father in Heaven will never reject us.  No matter what we have done or how far we have turned away, the Father’s love is perfect, relentless, unconditional and always inviting.  He is ready and willing to dismiss every wrong we have done if we only turn to Him in confidence.  Come to your senses in regard to your sins!  Let go of them, repent and trust in the mercy of God.

Lord of perfect love, my sins do leave me dry and empty inside.  I see the misery and pain that result from the sinful choices I have made.  Help me, dear Lord, to come to my senses and to turn from every sin I commit.  Help me to see that Your mercy is far greater than anything I have done.  I thank You for Your perfect love and turn to You in my need.  Jesus, I trust in You.


Due to the current Covid situation Father has asked that the school have Liturgies in the classrooms. Teachers will be holding Liturgies outside, weather permitting, we would love you to attend as long as they are outside. 


The Sacramental Program will go ahead as a school based program this year. This means that students will be prepared in the classrooms. 

Reconciliation evening - Tuesday 5 April


By 1 April: Workbooks to be returned to school for correction.

5 April: First Reconciliation at St Anne's Church at 7pm.


First Eucharist                - Weekend of 4 and 5 of June

Confirmation                   - Sunday 23 October



A Stole is to be worn during the Sacraments.  The Stole can be individual to the child or a family Stole.  The Stole can be hand made or purchased through our supplier. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS supplies the Stoles for the Parish. An order form will be sent home with children. 


To order these you can contact Anita and pay for the Stoles via direct deposit. 

ANZ bank

Anita M Hughes

BSB 013-593

Account no. 322691326


Please put child’s full name in the details.


HOLY BEGINNINGS can be contacted directly if you wish to order your stole independently. 

Anita 0450 782 558