Peace Poster Contest

The Beaumaris Lions Club and District are currently offering a Peace Poster/Essay Contest for students aged 11 to 13 years of age.


The Lions International Peace Essay Contest is an International art/essay writing competition that provides an opportunity for the extension of artistic/writing skills and enrichment to promote awareness of the importance of world peace and international understanding. Young people between the age of 11 to 13 years can apply by October this year. The Peace Poster contest gives students an opportunity to express their feelings of Peace and encouraging tolerance. You can work on this in Art Club on Wednesdays or in your own time. 

Please reach out to the Create Visual teachers and Communicate and Relate teachers for support and inspiration. We would love to see as many submissions as we can from Beaumaris students.

The school-level judging will be held in October by the Principal, Communicate and Relate Teachers, Art Teachers and Lions Chair representative. The District Judging for Lions Club Peace Poster Finalist winners will be held at Highett on Saturday 12th November from 1-3 pm.


We look forward to seeing all of your submissions.


Emily O'Keefe

CREATE Visual Teacher