Religious Dimension 

Second Sunday of Easter

Welcome back to Term 2 and the return from our Easter break. 


We pray that the time away helped everyone to reconnect with family and friends.  


This term in RE lessons we are reminding the students that Easter is not over yet. Easter's greatest gift which is the Resurrection of Christ. In class our students are sharing what this means for us as Christians. They will witness how the disciples' emotions of fear, grief and loss, was transformed into hope and joy, as they acknowledged that Jesus is alive and amongst them before he ascended into to be with the Father.  

Today's reading, Acts 5:12-16 reminds us of how the disciples continue on with Jesus' work of healing and miracles and many continue to see his work through others.


Many ask if miracles do happen in our times as they did years ago and I am sure that many of you would have experiences to share.  Could miracles be through our hands as we lean into God's strength and love to help others? Miracles occur and I wonder if we can recognise these amongst everything that goes on around us,  however big or small.


Yours sincerely

Melinda Buscema (Deputy Principal and RE leader)