Principal's Page

Welcome back to Term 2

I hope that you all enjoyed a well earned rest and enjoyed some fun and relaxation over the Easter break. The students certainly commenced with great vitality today and it is great to see their smiling faces and hear their holiday adventures.


I had a wonderful time in Bright with my family, enjoying many long bike rides, canyon walks, board games and down ball competitions. I also spent time on the Bellarine Peninsula and at Barwite with friends. The warm autumn days were greatly appreciated and it is wonderful to be back for the start of a new school term.


We are delighted to Welcome Sarah Gole to our Staff Team. She is a new Learning Support Officer working in the Year 3/4 level, supporting Clorinda Maio's class. Please help her to settle in and support her however you can.


Today we commenced with an outdoor Flag Raising Ceremony and ANZAC Day Service with the Whole School. Our FIRE Carriers were presented with our new Message Stick, which will now be incorporated into all of our assemblies, special events and liturgies. Our Austalian and Indigenous flags were raised at the end of the ceremony by our School Leaders.


Our new message stick
Our new message stick

Thank-you to all of the families who were able to attend the Mitcham Anzac Dawn Service. Our school was very well represneted with over 35 students and their families present.


TERM OVERVIEWS will be sent out this Friday, 28 April. Please read them carefully to know what your child will be focussing on throughout the Term.


The school nurse will be visiting on Thursday and Friday for the Prep students and any other students who have parental permission.


This Friday we are having an OPEN DAY, so please let your families, friends and neighbours know. Everyone is welcome to come along to see our fantastic facilities, and the engaging teaching and learning in action.


Marathon Club will resume next week on Tuesday 3 May for all students in Years 3-6. Parents are welcome to come along also.

Mother's Day Stall

This year we will be running a Mother's Day Stall on Tuesday 3 May. 

Please send along $5 - $10 in an envelope with your child on this day, so that they can purchase a small gift for the special women in their lives. This will be run by our Community Association and any other volunteers who may be available. More details coming soon on the Skoolbag app.

School Closure Day

On Friday 10 June, we will be having a School Closure Day. We will be using this day to prepare as a staff for the School Review, which will be later this year.

11 May - Grandparents and Special Visitors day

All Grandparents and Special Visitors are invited to come along on Wednesday 11 May to join us for 9.00am mass in the Church and then to visit the classrooms. This will be followed by a morning tea for all Grandparents. 

Changes to COVIDSafe measures for schools

There are some important changes to COVIDSafe measures for schools that will apply from the start of Term 2.


Face masks

From 11:59 pm Friday 22 April, face masks, while recommended, are not required in any school setting. This means students in grades 3 to 6, staff and visitors in primary schools are no longer required to wear face masks. Any student or staff member who wishes to wear a mask may do so, including those who are medically at-risk.


Rapid antigen test screening requirements

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19, and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake rapid antigen test (RAT) screening for 12 weeks after their release from isolation. This was previously 8 weeks.


Household contacts

Students who are household contacts of a COVID-19 case are not required to quarantine. They may return to school as long as they undertake rapid antigen tests (RAT) 5 times during their 7-day period. They are required to notify the school that they are a household contact.


Students aged 8 years and above who are household contacts are required to wear face masks when indoors at school unless they have a valid exemption.


If a student household contact returns a positive RAT result, they must isolate for 7 days. 


Vaccination requirements for visitors to schools 

Parents, carers and other adult visitors (not performing work) are no longer required to show evidence of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.


RAT screening program reminder

RATs will continue to be supplied for the first 4 weeks of Term 2 to support the early detection of COVID-19 in our school. 


The testing recommendations will remain the same this Term for students and staff with:

  • mainstream schools – recommended to test at home twice a week
  • specialist schools – recommended to test 5 days a week at home due to the higher risk of severe illness for medically vulnerable children.

As we approach winter and flu season, the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 and booster shots for students 16+ remains the best way to ensure protection for students and staff. 


If you have any concerns about getting your child vaccinated, please get in contact with your GP or another health professional who can answer your questions. 


Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our school safe. 

School Leader Photos

Our Year 6 Student Leader Photos are proudly displayed in the school foyer.

They can be purchased for $18 each from the school office.


Have a fabulous week!


Verona Gridley
