Calendar of Events
Term 2 - Main Dates
Friday 29th April- Mother's Day Stall
Tuesday 3rd May- Parent Seminar- 5 Steps to Resilience at 7pm (refer Wellbeing page)
Tuesday 3rd and 10th May- Cross Country Training
Thursday 5th May- Mother's Day Breakfast and Liturgy
Friday 6th May- Year 5/6 -Winter Sport commences
Tuesday 10th to 12th May- Naplan
Tuesday 10th May- P & F meeting - 7.30pm at school
Friday 13th May- Holt District SSV Cross Country
Friday 13th May- Mum’s Night Out
Tuesday 17th May- Sac Meeting
Wednesday 18th May -School Open Day
Wednesday 18th May Prep prayers in Pyjamas night
Thursday 19th May- Sovereign Hill Excursion - Year 5/6
Wednesday 1st June at 7pm- Year 1/2 Family Faith Night
Friday 3rd June - St Agnes’ Biggest Morning Tea
Tuesday 7th June- Cybersafety Night
Wednesday 8th June & Thursday 9th June-SSV Netball and Football Lightning Premierships
Monday 13th June- Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday June 14th to June 17th- Dental Van visit (refer Wellbeing page)
Friday 17th June -P&F Disco
Friday 17th June -End of Semester Reports
Friday 24th June- Last Day of Term 2
Term 3 Main Dates
Monday July 11th- First day of Term 3
Monday August 22nd - School closure
September 5th to 7th - Y5 5/6 Camp Arrabri
Friday September 16th- Last day of Term 3
Term 4 Main Dates
Monday October 4th- First day of Term 4
Monday October 31st - Student free day
Monday November 21st- Yr 3 Camp- Zoo Snooze (1 night)
Tuesday November 22nd- Yr 4 Camp- Zoo Snooze (1night)
Monday December 5th- School closure
Wednesday December 14th - Yr 6 last day of Term
Thursday December 15th - Prep to Yr 5 last day of Term 4