General Information

What our students are working on or need.


Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating their birthday this week:


Toby Adams, Olivia Wilkins, Samuel Stephens, Sam Pope



Our main fundraiser for Caritas will be a paper plane throwing competition. Students will be invited to make a plane out of A4 sheet paper. Students can make the plane at school or at home. They can enter up to 2 planes at a $1.00 entry per plane. Planes need to be made by the beginning of week 10. 

Please note no add-ons such as tape or paperclips allowed. 

Thank you

Linda McShane, Shanny Core and SRC



Swap It

This week's tip from our healthy lunchbox program:

Catholic Men's Gathering

We have asked to distribute this invitation to our staff and school community, here it is for your information.