News from Monash University 


New Certificate Courses

Monash is offering two new 6-month certificate courses, taught wholly online, for students who might like to try a short course before entering the bachelor degree.


University Certificate in Mental Health – aimed at developing one’s knowledge and skills in responding to mental health needs - from understanding mental illnesses, to different perspectives in mental health services, through to strategies for treatment and recovery.  This course can lead towards further study, with the opportunity to progress into the Bachelor of Health Sciences.


Undergraduate Certificate of Sports and Exercise Nutrition – provides participants with the scientific knowledge and practical skills to enhance their professional development in sport and exercise nutrition. This course can lead towards further study, with the opportunity to progress into the Bachelor of Health Sciences if students meet the course entry requirements.



Bachelor of International Business

The Bachelor of International Business is ideal for students wanting to launch an international career.  Students have the opportunity to take part in immersive industry placements and study abroad as part of their degree.  


This degree is a 2-year fast-track degree and provides students with an understanding of the issues affecting international firms, including their strategy, policies, and operations.  The course equips students with the key economic, financial, political, legal, managerial, and strategic skills required for international business, putting students in a position to support businesses operating in an international economy.

The first year of the Bachelor of International Business is taught in the heart of the CBD at 271 Collins Street, while the second year is taught at the Caulfield campus. 


Students are invited to watch this clip to find out more - 

Bachelor of International Business YouTube Clip



Bachelor of Arts Professional Futures

The Bachelor of Arts at Monash University helps students achieve the career of their dreams by offering four Professional Futures domains which build the skills employers want.  These domains are – 


  • Global Immersion — become engaged global citizens through overseas study. 
  • Intercultural expertise — navigate and successfully engage with different cultures. 
  • Professional experience — gain experience through internships and industry engagement. 
  • Innovation capability — prepare for the ever-changing workforce with skills in ethical and social innovation, leadership, and creativity.


Students get to choose from local and international internships, professional engagements, and entrepreneurial opportunities, and they have the choice of more than 50 global immersion programs including access to the funded Monash Arts Global Immersion Guarantee, preparing them to live and work in complex and culturally diverse environments, while building a community of like-minded peers.


  • Bachelor's/Master's Program in Arts

Monash University now offers students entering a Bachelor of Arts and who intend doing a Master’s program, the opportunity to complete both the Bachelor’s degree plus a Master’s degree in just four years – instead of five.  Graduates will be more employable with two degrees and specialist knowledge and save on both time and fees.  Students can choose to add one of the following Master's degrees to their Bachelor of Arts degree: