Junior School News

Term 1


Junior School has been so busy these last 2 weeks! Did you know that Butterflies are better than Lizards?  When you find a huntsman spider in your house are you on the kill or set free side of the argument? Yes you guessed it, Junior School have been learning all about Persuasive Writing. Our students have been discussing, arguing and finding evidence to support their opinions. 


Our newly hatched butterflies last Friday provided us with a perfect opportunity to head to the Science room with our writing and write about why 'Butterflies are Better than Lizards'. How awesome for us to be able to look at the gorgeous Monarch Butterflies and wonder about the whole chrysalis process and use this as a reason and evidence in our writing. 

Junior A this week looked at if you would kill or set free a Huntsman spider. It was interesting to hear that most of the class were on the set free side, with only a few people (Ms Hubbard included!) on the kill side. We came up with lots of reasons for both sides of the argument. However, most interestingly, when we read the book 'Hey Little Ant', most students considered squishing an ant, no big deal. We have had some amazing discussions this week!


A great way to support this learning at home is to ask your child lots of questions about one thing being better than another. They must be able to give you a couple of reasons why and have some evidence to support their argument. Give it a go....Are pancakes better than cereal for breakfast? 

Fun in Developmental Play

Last week in Developmental Play we chose to partner up and make some amazing board games. Each pair of students was given a blank board game sheet and they had to decide what their game would be all about. We saw some colour identification games, some addition and maths games, counting games and so many more! They were all bright and colourful and the students just loved making them with their partners. Unfortunately we have not finished them yet but will have time this week. We can't wait to play them!

Shout out for supplies! 

The weather is starting to cool down. We are putting a shout out for boxes of tissues PLEASE! Students are starting to get colds and sniffles and we really could do with some more supplies of classroom tissues. 


We are also looking for boxes. Next term we will be doing some construction in Design and Technology and we could really use some packaging boxes. Small ones are preferable like biscuits, coffee pods and alike - smaller than a cereal box. We will also be on the hunt for things like ribbons, fabric scraps, pompoms, paddlepop sticks, googly eyes, little crafting bits and pieces. It is going to be an exciting construction unit and we will have more information out soon, but please be on the hunt now for boxes. THANK YOU!

Dates to Note:

Monday March 8th - Labour Day Holiday

Thursday April 1st - End of Term 1

Friday April 2nd - Good Friday



April 19th: Start of Term 2

April 21st: School Photos

May 19th: Curriculum Day