Tutoring Program
with Blair Blackburn
Tutoring Program
with Blair Blackburn
It’s been a terrific start to the year getting to work closely with so many of our students. Students are selected based on the breakdown of whole school data.
This term I am working with students to develop their writing skills. Over a sequence of lessons thus far, students have consolidated their knowledge of sentences types and grammar. This included exploring conjunctions and how to use these in compound and complex sentences.
Check out some examples from our students:
The fox likes to sleep before it hunts for food – Matthew Terry, Senior School.
I was going on a walk as the sun was setting – Zoe, Senior School.
The fox lay on the stump after catching his prey – Amber, Senior School.
I got to see the sunset although my friends did not make it. – Matthew Smith, Senior School.
Our work for the remainder of the term will be based on developing students imagery skills and the thrill of writing! Writing is not talk on paper. We need our students to be able to draw on their reservoir of language, which they will discover from reading books. I encourage you to check in with your child and see what books they are reading. Are they reading a variety of books? Are they reading books from different authors? Are they quality books? What words have they come across which are new, interesting or words they don’t understand?
Time is precious I know, but consider your time with a book as an investment for you and your child.
Looking forward to what’s ahead!