Student Awards

Friday 19th February
Foundation: Layla
You are flying high at KPS, Layla! Congratulations on the excellence you have shown each day in the classroom. You are always willing to try your best. Keep up the fantastic work.
Junior A: Connor
It’s fantastic to see you sharing your Maths brain with others. You showed amazing respect when working in partnership with another student. Keep bringing such respectful connections to our classroom!
Junior A: Noah
It’s fantastic to see you sharing so much of your knowledge in class Noah. You have been respectful of other people's opinions and shared your own with kindness and respect. Keep sharing your amazing insight during our discussions.
Junior B: James
James you showed such resilience in going to home learning. You completed all your tasks with excellence. Well done James.
Middle A: Maxwell
Your attitude to learning is just wonderful. Whether you are at school or at home, you are curious and creative with your work. Your contributions to our class discussion inspire others to think deeply about the topic.
Middle B: Ethan
The resilence you demonstrated when transitioning from onsite to home learning was incredible! You were organised and on time each day and you completed every learning task that was set with excellence. Keep up the great work!
Senior A: Chris
Chris, the resilience you have shown when transitioning between in person and remote learning has been amazing. You have shown such excellence, you should be very proud of yourself. Keep up this awesome attitude!
Senior B: Brock
Fantastic job with your writing this week Brock. It was very unique and creative. I look forward to seeing what you write next.
Friday 26th February
Foundation: Isla
Isla, congratulations on being a fantastic role model in Foundation. The excellence that you show in all of your learning is outstanding. You should be proud of how well you have settled in to school.
Junior B: Seth
For constantly demonstrating excellence in all of your learning. You have shown that you are a 5 star learner who always contributes to class discussions.
Middle B: Lacey
Lacey, congratulations on being a fantastic role model in Middle School. The excellence that you show in all of your learning this week was outstanding. You should be proud of how you demonstrated resilience in the classroom and in the yard. Keep up the great work!
Senior A: Amber
Amber, it has been great seeing you show such resilienceduring maths! You aim high and work hard towards meeting them, problem solving things along the way. Keep up this fantastic work ethic!
Senior B: Lily-Kate
Fantastic job with your writing this week Lily-Kate! Your persuasive writing piece was really engaging and powerful. I enjoyed reading your introduction and I look forward to seeing the final copy. Keep up the good work!