
We are so happy to have all our students back after our 5 day lockdown and have had a busy start to the school year preparing spaces that will support our students wellbeing.  We are at the beginning stages of creating our wellbeing room 'The Hive' where students can come for breaks and can engage their sense to regulate their body and emotional responses.  We hope to have this room utilised by classes throughout the year for lessons in mindfulness, meditation and emotional regulation skill building.

St Louis was successful in our grant application to the National Schools Chaplaincy Program and have funding to provide a pastoral care to our students and support of wellbeing team.  We have appointed Rose Carnovale to this role which will be funded for 2021 and 2022.  Rose has been working at St Louis for the last 11 years and has been completing her last parts of placement for her  Diploma of Community Services with us.  Rose has been an important part of our team running social skills and transition groups with students.  We welcome Rose to the wellbeing team!