Religious Education News

As we begin our Lenten journey, we are called to reflect on our thoughts and actions. Christ invites us to renew ourselves through a transformation of our hearts. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus unpacks important virtues that we should live by so that we can experience such a transformation of the heart. These virtues of prayer, fasting and almsgiving are at the heart of our Lenten experience. 

Through prayer we are drawn closer to God so that we are better able to realise our baptismal promise to live justly as Jesus teaches us. 

Fasting joins us in solidarity with the poor who often have no choice but to live without basic essentials. 

Almsgiving is a sign of our commitment to justice as we are called to acts of service. As we are faced with new and unprecedented social and environmental challenges, we are called to re-define the ways in which we pray, fast and give alms this Lent. 

This year’s theme for Caritas Australia’s Lenten appeal, Project Compassion, is drawn from the words of St Oscar Romero, “Aspire not to have more, but to be more”. 

Lent is a time to reflect on ourselves and the ways in which we can “be more” to positively impact the lives of others.  Let us consider the ways in which we are called to “be more”. Let us ask ourselves, how are we walking in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in our global family? How are we acting as stewards of creation in caring for our common home?

We pray that our fasting strengthens our commitment to live in solidarity, our almsgiving be an act of justice, and our prayers anchor us in love and compassion. Through living simply and loving generously, may we care for our global family and our common home. 

Students have a Project Compassion Box in their classrooms to help Caritas raise funds for those less fortunate than  themselves and are encouraged to think of others and 'give more'. 

Students also participated in an Ash Wednesday Liturgy (on Thursday) and were sprinkled with ashes and asked to "Repent and Believe in the Good News"

By 'almsgiving' and doing good deeds we aspire to "BE MORE" like Christ and bring his love and compassion to those we meet.


Beautiful Lenten Morning Prayer celebrated in 2AK
Beautiful Lenten Morning Prayer celebrated in 2AK