SRC News

SRC News

At our first SRC meeting for 2021, we introduced the Executive Team and also had many new faces attend which was great! Term 1’s theme for the SRC is ‘Connection’ around the school. We chose this theme so we could base activities around interacting with other year levels and sub schools and we are able to get to know students that are not just in our year level.


We had a Themed Dress Day, ‘Squad Fits’ on the 2nd of March and it was a big success with students getting involved in the Tug of War activity and some of the members selling icy poles to the students around the school. All students had the opportunity to dress up with their friends in colours or outfits that matched their friend groups. The SRC was raising money for the Smith Family Foundation, as this charity best represented the theme of ‘Connection’, to the school and to the wider community.


During this year, the SRC will be raising money for many different charities through the other Themed Dress Days, activities and other events.


This term has been both challenging and rewarding for the SRC. During the 5 day lockdown we had our meeting over Teams, however due to many new faces the SRC is bigger and better than ever. Thank you to everyone that has contributed so far!


The SRC will continue to work at making a difference at the school and the wider community this year and in many years to come.


Olivia Bedford SRC President 2021