Health Centre News


We hope you are enjoying a happy and healthy Term 1!


We would just like to take this opportunity to remind all students, parents and guardians that as per Department of Education guidelines we are unable to provide students with school supplied paracetamol.


We are seeing numerous students present to the Health Centre with complaints of headache. If you would like to have your own paracetamol stored in the Health Centre, please come and see us so we can make arrangements to have your own medications stored in the Health Centre and supplied when necessary. 


Another effective way to avoid headaches is to ensure you are drinking lots of water during the day and that you have a healthy breakfast prior to arriving at school.



We would also like to remind all Year 7 students that the Knox City Council will be conducting the Immunisation Session for all consented Year 7 students next Thursday March 18. The session will begin at 9am, consents must be signed electronically via the link provided on Compass. 


Please contact us in the Health Centre if you are unsure how to access the link.


The scheduled Year 10 Immunisation session is occurring on the 21st of April, please ensure that consents are also signed for this session as per the instructions above.


Take care everyone!

Melissa and Julie