Community News

Emmanuel College News
Welcome to 2021! We hope that everyone enjoyed a restful break and have come back to school ready for a great year. The staff and students at Emmanuel have very enthusiastically returned to school life in the last week.
Across both campuses we welcomed 434 smiling new Year 7s, a handful of students in Years 8 – 12 and 21 new staff member who have done an amazing job of settling in really quickly. Emmanuel certainly is a community that continues to grow positively.
We look forward to providing you with lots of updates of life at the College during the year and connecting you with all of our wonderful events, our first being the Meet the Principal events at each campus commencing at 9 am.
St Paul’s Campus - Thursday 4 March
Notre Dame Campus - Thursday 11 March
We would love to see you there.
Simonds Catholic College News