e-Learning News

Hello Corpus Christi Community
I hope that the last few days of remote learning have run smoothly for everyone and we look forward to seeing everyone back in classrooms tomorrow.
I would like to introduce myself as the new e-Learning Leader for 2021. Some of you may know me as Mr. Marks from the Year 5/6 Learning Community. I have made the move to the Year 3/4 Learning Community this year and will be teaching our wonderful Year 4s.
1-1 Chromebook Program for Years 3-6
I have some very exciting news to share with you!
2021 will see the implementation of our brand new 1:1 Chromebook Program, rolling out across Years 3 to 6. This will mean that every student in those year levels will have access to a brand new Chromebook 24/7 to use as part of their learning.
We believe that a 1:1 program will promote better learning in and out of school by allowing students greater access to online learning resources; as well as real-time information. It will provide ease of access to classwork both at school and at home.
In simple terms, it extends learning beyond the classroom! It also becomes mighty handy should we enter future periods of remote learning.
We have purchased a whole new set of HP and Acer Chromebooks that are currently being set up and prepared to be allocated to students. Before Chromebooks are handed over to students, we will be asking parents, along with their child to attend an information session.
We have been lucky enough to secure the team from the Cyber Safety Project to come in and present for us. The Cyber Safety Project provides a super engaging, educational and fun way of learning about the benefits of technology use.
We will also detail all the elements of the Chromebook Program as well as allow time for any questions that may arise.
The dates and times for the information sessions are as follows:
Years 3/4: 6:00 - 7:30 pm Wednesday 17th March.
Years 5/6: 8:00 - 9:30 pm Wednesday 17th March.
Both sessions will take place in the Community Hall. At the end of each session, each student along with their parent/guardian in attendance must sign off on a Chromebook Agreement before the Chromebook is received.
We will provide details of any changes to this event in the coming weeks to suit any possible COVID-19 restrictions.
We are very excited to get this program up and running in the coming weeks!
For the whole school community, cyber safety is both important at school and at home. Below is a link to some information about Safer Internet Day 2021. A great resource for parents to have a look at.
Next week we will be sending out the annual Information and Technology User agreements which are currently being updated to reflect this new environment of remote learning which has become part of COVID normal' operations.
KInd regards
Wil Marks
E-Learning Leader