Junior School Council 

On Monday 15th March, an excited group of JSC Representatives for Terms 1 and 2 helped plan the following whole-school events:

  • Harmony Day – which we held on Wednesday this week!
  • BPPS Social Service Dress Up Day - Wednesday 31st March (Dress up in clothes that depict who you'd like to be or what you want to do when you grow up)

NOTE - for all events, students are asked to bring a gold coin, with money raised going to JSC's BPPS fundraising.

BPPS Harmony Day



Harmony Week (15th – 21st March) celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.
It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

In classrooms, students read and listened to stories about people from different cultures, learning about how culture helps define the identity of individuals and groups. Language is a part of culture and helps us communicate values, beliefs and customs.

Australia is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. This diversity is part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and has grown in the last 200 years, joined by people from over 150 cultures from around the world.


On Wednesday, students dressed in clothing that enabled them to feel in harmony with their multicultural community and brought a gold coin in support of BPPS fundraising.

Students were invited to share stories about their own culture. 

Thank you to everyone who participated!


If families wish to find out more information about Harmony Week the following link will take you to the website:


Reminder - our next whole event is our BPPS Social Service Day on Wednesday 31st March!

Students should come dressed in clothes that depict who you'd like to be or what you want to do when you grow up.


Don't forget to bring your gold coin!