Visual Arts


Congratulations to Zac VS and Colin C, both of 1ET for being artists of the week with their wonderful collagraph works. This was an extended activity which involved making a self portrait using stuck on pieces of cardboard. The children then made a crayon rubbing from the collagraph block, and then a print with paint. All three works were then embellished with oil pastels to highlight their features. The children then chose their two best works to mount on coloured cartridge.  Well done to Zac and Colin, and to all the grade 1s and 2s for their sustained effort with this project.


Here are some others from the group.



I recently shared some photos of the work the grades 3 and 4 children are doing with the artist who is our inspiration, Pamela Irving. She was so thrilled and pleased with the work that she shared the photos on her Facebook page, together with a very complimentary comment.   The post got 73 "likes"! Check it out at Pamela Irving Studio + Gallery, Melbourne, Australia


If your family still receives a "real" newspaper regularly, please bring along your copies to the art room for recycling and repurposing. Next term we are looking to do some papier-mache, but we'll need more newspapers to make it happen.


I am also looking for donations of old Melways for another possible project next term. Perhaps you still have one knocking about in the back of your car that you no longer use?

I will happily take it off your hands! Or any other old maps would be good too.

Cheers to all!

Mrs Hortin.