Principal Introduction

Dear Parents, Carers and Students, 


As a College we take great pride in the development and presentation of our College and the physical resources that support the learning and achievement of our students. 


We endeavour to create an environment of the highest standard, which is not only safe and accessible for everyone, but one which our students are proud of. Over the course of 2020/2021 we will have created:

  • a new Allinga Space which includes 10 general purpose classrooms,
  • redeveloped the College wellbeing area to create a fit for purpose team environment,
  • refurbished our administration area to support accessibility for all members of our community,
  • started work on developing an indigenous meeting place and garden,
  • started replacing all College lights with energy efficient LED models and
  • finally our student environmental action group is developing a plan to ensure that our grounds and gardens remain clean and free of litter.

Maintaining a clean and orderly environment is important to the health and safety of both students and staff. Our student environmental action group is considering a range of initiatives, including:

  • Student education, sustainability, environmental impact and affirmative action on waste
  • Recognition programs for changes in behaviour
  • Areas of student ownership and engagement
  • New bin designs
  • Behaviour change programs such as 'Rethink waste', 'reduce, reuse, recycle'.

To this part I encourage you to consider the food options for your students and discuss ways in which we can all work together to reduce the packaging and waste from student food options each day. 


Our College is really proud of the learning and progress we have made over the past 10 years, and I look forward to continuing the investment in making our College one that our community is proud of and respects each and every day. I would like to thank the 97 students, parents and staff that contributed to the annual College working bee held last Friday, March 19, and the positive impact that they have had on the presentation of the College. It is contributions like these that inspire our community to be better and do better. 


Finally I had the pleasure of attending the Emergent 2020 VCE graduate show case on the weekend. EMC VCE Arts student Betty Knibbs was one of four students charged with the responsibilities of curating this exhibition of student work from across VCE Units 3 & 4 Art, Studio Art, Media, Visual Communication, and Woodwork. 


The works are on display at Bunjil Place studio. The works are outstanding and demonstrate the passion and love of the visual arts. Our College is privileged to have students of such quality to lead and act as role models and support the development, growth and aspiration of our younger artists. I hope that you can find the time to visit Bunjil Place and check out the student’s achievements. 


Kind regards, 






Dean King-Principal