Secondary Sport
Parent Help Required
Date – Tuesday 22 August 2023
We have our Secondary House Cross Country Carnival this term, which will be held onsite, at PVCC.
The event is compulsory for all secondary students.
The Start/Finish for all age groups will be on the top oval with the recording area in the gym.
Parent help for the Secondary House XC – parents are most welcome to assist as checkpoint marshalls at one or both sessions of the House XC.
I do require multiple volunteers so please let me know should you be able to assist. My contact details are below.
You will be required to:
- provide a Working With Children check (WWC) - apply now at the post office if you don’t have one as it takes a few weeks to process, then lodge a copy at the college which can then be kept on file for future events requiring parent assistance.
- collect your name tag on arrival at the College from the General Office when you sign in.
The Secondary XC day will be structured as follows:
9.50am Period 2 Years 10 - 12 to run/jog/walk (parent helpers arrive 9.15am to top oval)
12.25pm Period 5 Years 7 - 9 to run/jog/walk (parent helpers arrive 11.45pm to top oval)
Please note:
- The cross country is compulsory for ALL STUDENTS. A medical certificate and a note from a parent must be given if a student cannot participate in this whole secondary school event. Please give it to the HG teacher.
- The event is NOT optional for VCE students.
- Students need to make sure they know what age group they are competing in on the day. House age group lists will be displayed on the gym noticeboard. Age is taken as at 1st Jan 2023.
- Students may come to school in their house colours. If a student elects not to wear house colours then the correct school PE uniform must be worn please.
- Students may stay in this uniform all day or may bring their winter school uniform/PE uniform as an alternative to change into after their event (especially if the weather looks inclement and if the track is wet & muddy).
- It is preferable that each competitor be dressed in a house-coloured t-shirt/singlet/top as this assists in judging.
- Students are asked to prepare for this event and be properly hydrated. Students should bring their own water bottle to school on the day.
- Students should have eaten appropriately during the day (including breakfast).
- Students are invited to purchase lunch from a fundraiser BBQ which will be available at lunch time.
- Any student who uses asthma medication must carry it at all times during their XC event.
- This full-day interschool event is on Wednesday 6 September, at Ruffey Lake Park in Doncaster. The top 10 placegetters in each age group at our House XC will be invited to compete against the 12 other Central Division EISM schools.
- Please encourage your child to do some running training over the next few weeks! It could be a family activity!
Luke Sexton
Head of Secondary Sport / 9717 7400