From the Head of Junior School

Claire Smith

Week 5B


Over the weekend I had the immense pleasure of hosting 65 Heads of Junior School for the Annual IPSHA Country Weekend away. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase Calrossy and the wonderful learning we do as well as the facilities and grounds we have. For Heads who reside mainly in greater Sydney, the space and views on our William Cowper Campus really blew them away. It was a real treat to see the campus through other people’s eyes and to hear them remark about how fortunate we are. 


IPSHA is the Independent Primary School Heads Association in which Calrossy is a member. IPSHA is the leading independent primary school voice where the focus is on connecting, advocating, growing, and sustaining the sector. As members Calrossy Staff have access to outstanding professional development and networks of like-minded colleagues and Calrossy Students have access to educational opportunities which encourage diversity across the Arts, Sport, Social Action, Spiritual and Academic spheres. 


I share this with you now, as connections with other like schools in our educational community as so important. I firmly believe that collaboration and shared learning experiences can significantly enhance the overall educational journey of our students. We do this through local Tamworth networks in sport, music and community eisteddfods, through the Hunter Region Independent Schools (HRIS) network and on a NSW and National level through IPSHA. 


Connecting with other schools that share our educational values and goals can bring about a range of benefits that extend far beyond the classroom walls.

  1. Exchange of best practice and innovative ideas
  2. Professional development opportunities
  3. Cultural exchange and diversity
  4. Enriching extracurricular activities 
  5. Collective problem solving

In the week ahead some of our Year 4, 5 and 6 students will have an incredible opportunity to perform at the IPSHA Performing Arts Night in the Sydney Town Hall alongside 18 other IPSHA Schools over three nights. I look forward to partnering with like schools and fostering these connections amongst our students and staff as we enhance their educational journey beyond the classroom. 


Year 3 Camp Stories

  • We went rock climbing. It was my first time!Ava
  • We went on a boat together. A kayak. Sawyer and Omar
  • We did archery and I got into the red. Ross
  • We made damper and we ate it and it was so delicious that we got seconds. Lexie
  • We went on a bushwalk and we saw a wallaby. It was only 3m away. Aayan 
  • There was a ping pong table inside the cabins, and we played it a lot! Chase

Good Luck to our students competing at the following events over the next fortnight: HRIS Athletics, HRIS Yr 5/6 Girls Netball Gala Day, Tamworth Touch Football Gala Day. 


Have a great week. 


Claire Smith

Head of Junior School