Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report
We have had some incidents over the past few weeks with student disagreements. In some cases, students have been messaging each other or involved in group chats where there have been some disrespectful or inappropriate messages, or learn about such messages through friends. As I am sure you are aware, social media can do a lot of damage if it is not used with care, thought and respect. We encourage all parents, guardians, and carers to monitor the internet and social media use by your child/ren. If there are points of concern, please address it with the child and if needed speak to your child’s Pastoral Teacher or the appropriate member of staff.
Verbal comments and rumours are also causing issues between students. We are continually reminding students that if there are problems, check with the original source before assuming what they hear is accurate. We are all aware of how a comment can change as it is passed on. If students, for whatever reason, do not feel comfortable or safe or if the issue is serious, they should speak to a staff member so we can provide support. However, for small minor issues between students, it is more effective to speak directly to each other. This often avoids something small or misunderstood becoming much bigger than it needs to be. As we endeavor to work in partnership with our community we encourage parents, guardians, and carers to speak to your child/ren about these problems and encourage conversations. Often a little talk can solve things quickly and avoid misunderstandings that can be quite harmful.
A reminder that all students are expected to be in full school uniform, and if they are not a note form a parent/guardian/carer is required. Our Year 12 students are reminded that the Year 12 Jackets and tops are to be worn over the school uniform and it is an expectation that they wear the usual school shirt and tie like all other students.
Looking Ahead
The school celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven on Tuesday, 15 August 2023. This day is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church and hence there will be a whole school Mass for our students at 11.30am in the Wheeler Auditorium.
There will be a Staff Professional Development day on Friday 18 August so there will be no classes, no students on this day.
Thursday 24 August 2023 is Nazareth Day. This is a great celebration day for our school and there will be no classes on this day.
Student Safety and Wellbeing
Our three school counsellors continue to do great work with our students. A reminder to parents, guardians and carers that counselling is available for our students should there be any need. Please contact the College to request counselling or discuss this option if there are any questions.
Our Child Safety team (Casey Cilia, Jackie Kol, Arlene Diston and Justin Duckett) remind parents, guardians, carers and students to please contact us should there be any questions or issues pertaining to child safety.
As always if there are any issues we should be aware of or could assist/support with please do not hesitate to contact the relevant staff member at the College.
God Bless
Mr Justin Duckett
Deputy Principal Staff and Students