Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth 


The Nazareth Community was saddened by the news of young Tom Funnell’s passing last week. Tom is Claire Nailon (Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning) and her husband Dave's son. No words can explain what they are feeling and the enormous hole that his absence has left.


I thank our fellow schools, Principals, Deputy Principals, Associations and teams of people that Claire was associated with, together with our students and families, for your support, love and prayers.


May Tom’s memory and legacy live on and inspire us to succeed in life.


Please keep Ms Mary Thisgaard in your thoughts and prayers as she recovers from recent surgery.


Over the past fortnight, we have been dealing with some counter-cultural behaviour which is uncommon for Nazareth.  I encourage you to assist us in our endeavours to address behavioural and uniform issues. Students doing the wrong thing are constantly challenged and if they continue not addressing these issues, they are clearly opting not to be part of our wonderful Community. This small number of students is bringing down the majority of our student cohort, who are tremendous ambassadors for our school and families.


On Tuesday 7 August 2023, students viewed a promotional video about the up-and-coming ‘Nazareth Day Celebration’.  Students and staff members have many activities organised and there will also be an assembly to give out our annual Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge Awards. These awards are awarded to selected students addressing the following criteria:



A student who puts their Faith into action through their commitment to the spiritual growth of our Community and their service of others, following Jesus example, who ‘came not to be served, but to serve’ (Matt 20:28).


This may include:

  • Regular faith leadership in Homeroom (Leading Prayer);
  • Regular attendance at Thursday Morning Masses;
  • Participation in Outreach activities – Soup Van, St Vincent de Paul Conference;
  • Initiating outreaches to people in need;
  • Looking out for those vulnerable in our Community;
  • Activities building up our Community.


For wise contribution to our College Community.


This may include:

  • Making good choices in a difficult situation;
  • Being an Ambassador for Nazareth College;
  • Listening to the needs and stories of other people;
  • The ability to try and understand other people;
  • Encouraging people to achieve their best.


For outstanding academic achievements.


In conclusion, I congratulate our students for participating in the SIS Book in a Day Competition, Teen Chef Competition, SIS debating, and numerous other extracurricular activities. It is all about participation and engagement.


Keep safe, and God bless.



Mr Sam Cosentino
