
What is God’s Plan for Us?

What is God’s plan for us? Are we open to what God wants for us in our lives? Someone who was open to God’s plan in her life was Mary MacKillop.


Last Tuesday, 8 August, was the feast day of Mary MacKillop – one of Nazareth College’s six House patrons. Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop was made Australia’s first saint in 2010, and she was an outstanding religious woman of the 19th century. 


Born in 1842 in Fitzroy, Melbourne, after her mother and father migrated to Australia from Scotland, she dedicated her early life to educating poor children in regional Penola, South Australia, and at the age of 25 founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. She was the first Australian nun to set up an order and the first to go outside the cities and administer to the poor. Mary MacKillop had a great vision for Catholic education and teaching children of poorer families about God. 


Throughout her life she endured many struggles, however, she had great faith and trust in God. A measure of her success can be seen in the fact that when she died in 1909 her order had nearly one thousand members having started its teaching mission in a disused stable 43 years earlier. She saw the need.


It is the responsibility of each person in the College community to respond to needs within the College community. Those who may be struggling in our community need support - we need to act and help.  We need to need to stand up for what is right - we can’t be bystanders. At the College, we see the needs outside the College Community and do something about it. For example, the activities of the Vinnies group - their Winter Appeal for those in need and their upcoming Winter Sleepout in support of the homeless. 


St Mary of the Cross, faced difficult times with a heart filled with trust, always believing in the watchful presence of God. Like her, may we be for others, examples of confident hope and trust. May we always 'Never see a need without doing something about it.'


Holy Family of Nazareth – Be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth – Help us to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge.