EAL/D News

Beatriz Clark, 

Bilingual Books

In celebration of Book Week 2023, August 19-August 26, we would like to inform parents that we have a number of bilingual books in our school library. What better way to celebrate Book Week at home than by reading books to your children in your home language.

Parents are welcome to borrow these books under their child’s name or encourage their own son or daughter to look for them in the school library.

We have books in Arabic, Urdu, Filipino, Vietnamese, Tamil, Italian, Malayalam, Korean, and Mandarin to name a few.


Calling on Aussie Parents

We would like to run Culture Club Australia next term and are looking for parents that would be happy to help plan and run these sessions for our students over three lunch hours in Term 4. Parents will work with EAL staff to plan and prepare meaningful activities to prepare uniquely Australian content. 


Session dates 

October 20, 12:45 -1:30

November 3, 12:45 -1:30

November 24, 12:45 -1:30


Please contact Beatriz Clark via email at Beatriz.Clark@education.wa.edu.au or in person in Room 20, Wednesday - Friday.