
The start of semester 2 in the Library has been very busy. We started the term welcoming our new IELC (Intensive English Language Centre) students and their families with a lovely morning tea in the Libary. The students have been borrowing lots of books to help improve their English language skills.
Lots of students have been borrowing and enjoying the new books that have arrived. We have purchased several new series including Warriors: The New Prophecy, Sailor Moon Graphic Novels, Komi can't communicate and the Spy X Family manga. They are zooming off the shelf.
Our primary reading area has had an upgrade with easier access to the picture books and the student feedback has been wonderful. They love being able to see the front covers of the books and many of the books are getting a new lease on life. Our year 06 students have their beautiful Pete Cromer art works up for display.
Book Weeks will be running this year from the 21st August through to the 1st September. We will be having our annual dress up parade for all students on Monday the 21st August and then there will be activities throughout the 2 weeks including CBCA book readings and craft activities. More information will be sent out at the beginning of August.