Primary Leader's Report

It has been a smooth start to term 3 in the Primary school classes as we move into semester 2. We began the term with 5 new students joining us in the Primary area.
We welcome: Rowan in Year 02, Roby in Year 03, Howi in Year 04, Ali and Roland in Year 05.
As the world is opening up again, we will be receiving more International Students. Roby, Roland and Howi come to us from China. We warmly welcome these students to Macleod and hope they settle in well. I know our wonderful, friendly students will ensure they feel welcome and connected in no time.
We are continuing on our journey of implementing our new school values of Achieve, Respect, Connect with the students. Teachers are embracing the positive focus, and we are seeking opportunities to acknowledge the students through merit certificates and positive verbal feedback. Further to this, the students’ names go into a draw each time they are awarded a merit certificate which offers them a chance to win 2 movie tickets to use as they wish. This is drawn at the end of each semester. I would like to congratulate Yuvraj Dhillon in Year 6, as the recipient of semester one’s prize.
Values Tree
You can see our Value’s Tree on display in the corridor in the Early Years building. We add a leaf each time a student receives a merit award. It has been very full by the end of the last 2 terms, so we hope this will continue as the students display positive behaviours and attitudes.
Interschool Sports
The Year 04 - 06 students will continue their interschool sports program this term. They will be representing our school in Soccer and Bat tennis. The students are very motivated this term and have initiated their own training at lunchtimes on top of our scheduled sessions in class time. It is great to be able to use our new sports area for Bat tennis and show off our facilities to other schools.
Addams Family Musical
Some of our Primary students have been working hard on their parts in the school performance of The Addams Family Musical, which will be happening at the end of this term. They have been very committed to rehearsals and the excitement is building as showtime approaches. Parents can book tickets through CompassTix. The performances are on Wednesday 6 September, Thursday 7 September and Friday 8 September and begin at 7:00pm each night in our school theatre. We hope to see as many of our families as possible at these shows to celebrate the talents of our students.
Scienceworks Excursion
In week 5 of this term on Tuesday 8 August, we have planned an excursion with our Year 03 - 06 students to Scienceworks. This event will complement the work the students are doing in their Science units this term. They will attend some education sessions as well as exploring what amazing exhibitions Scienceworks has to offer. Please pay/consent for this event via Compass.
In closing, I remind parents to access their children’s reports on Compass, if you have not already taken the opportunity to do so. These reports are a great opportunity to celebrate your children’s learning with them and talk about what you can do to help them with their progress at home.
Karen Butterworth
Primary Leader