Debating News

So far this year, we have had Year 8, 9 and 10 teams participating in the afterschool Debaters Association of Victoria competitions, facing-off against other local schools on current issues.
Whilst there have still been some lingering difficulties with student and adjudicator numbers due to Covid-19 and other factors, this experience has proved successful and instrumental in developing individual speaking skills and group coherency.
Next, these same teams will be participating in the Royal South Street competition – a multi-day event held at the Mair Street campus of the Australian Catholic University.
Last year, our Year 10 team made it to the grand-final in the council chambers, so our current competitors certainly have something to aspire to!
Two Year 9 students, Jai and Oliver, will soon be participating in the local UN Youth EVATT conference, where they will represent and explore the issues facing a certain nation and argue for possible solutions.
This is an ongoing, annual event, so please contact Mr. Groth if you are interested in this or other public speaking opportunities.
Michael Groth - Debating Co-ordinator