Pupil of the week 

1 August


Fred B - for your tremendous writing! You’re doing so well sounding words out and using conjunctions! 


Georgia B- For consistently demonstrating our Kalinda Values. You are a wonderful friend to everyone and a role model in the classroom.


Amyraa S - for your detailed oral presentation on the history of houses. You spoke very clearly, well done!

Kayley T - for your determined attitude to learning and trying new things, especially in Minilit. Well done Kayley!


Emiliya H For your wonderful writing piece on your dog Kira.

Teddy H  For the great improvement in your handwriting and work presentation 


Neel K - for showing respect to his peers during their history presentations.

Isla M - for using initiative around the classroom and helping those in need.


Zia D - for your fantastic work in multiplication. You listed so many different strategies! Your workbook was set out very clearly. A great effort.

Georgie G - for always focusing, concentrating and adapting your habits during mindfulness in the classroom. A fantastic effort Georgie.


Leo W- For your enthusiasm towards our THRASS sessions. You are always up for the challenge. Keep it up Leo!

Archer H- For your wonderful recount of our Old Ringwood excursion. Great job!


Patrick R - For consistently demonstrating our Kalinda Values. You are a wonderful friend to everyone. Well done Patrick!

Isaac S - for your wonderfully positive attitude towards your learning and for always pursuing your personal best!



Lily C- for always striving for your personal best and for entering the classroom with an enthusiastic attitude towards your learning! Great job! 

Stella N-  for always displaying the Kalinda values in all that you do! Well done! 


Austin H for the insightful knowledge and discussion points he brings to our Inquiry sessions.

Emelia S for her improved focus and determination when completing tasks. Keep up the awesome effort!


Lillian C - For demonstrating a wonderful attitude towards your learning. Keep working hard to achieve your learning goals. 

Angelique T - For always working hard to achieve your personal best! You are such a diligent student - keep striving for greatness!


Layla H - for demonstrating bravery in whole class discussions with a willingness to give responses ‘a go’ and brainstorm insightful comments. 

Angelina C. - for your improved willingness to acquire new skills, stay on top of class activities, and continuously improve your performance. 


Milla S - For showing excellent resilience and taking initiative for your learning by completing My Numeracy tasks to further your math understanding. Well done superstar! 

Ty O’S - For being a confident contributor in class discussions and working hard during spelling this week. Awesome concentration Ty!


Gabriel B - For the tenacity and determination you show when tackling challenging maths problems. Amazing effort!

Poppy C - For the amazing description and detail that you infuse in all your writing. Fabulous!


Matisse B - for always demonstrating empathy, compassion,toward and fairness with her peers. Never change, Matisse!

Ashton B - making a huge effort to improve his use of time and the quality of his work with exceptional results! Keep it up, Ashton!