2024 Foundation


New enrolment forms for 2024

Please use this link for the Department of Education's new enrolment form.

This will be used by all schools for all  2024 enrolments.

If you have previously attended a school tour, and have an enrolment pack, please disregard the green form that was enclosed, and use this form.


To allow for these new updated forms, 2024 enrolments are due by July 28th, 2023.  Families who submit an enrolment form to this process, will receive a confirmation letter indicating acceptance or decline of their enrolment application by Friday 25th August 2023.


Completed enrolment forms along with copies of the child’s birth certificate and immunization certificate can be returned to Kalinda Primary School via 

  • email (kalinda.ps@education.vic.gov.au)
  • mail (Kalinda Primary School, 39-49 Kalinda Road, Ringwood 3134)
  • in person at the school office between 8 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday
  • or dropped into the green mailbox at our main entrance off Kalinda Road.


Transition times for 2024 enrolments


Please note the sessions for 2024 Foundation enrolments are as followed. We strongly encourage all newly enrolled Foundation students to attend these sessions.

Please bring a named hat and a drink bottle.

  1. Friday 20th October: 09:30 am - 10:30 am
  2. Friday 3rd November: 09:30 am - 10:30 am
  3. Friday 17th November: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
  4. Tuesday 5th December: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Short weeks

Did you know that Foundation students will not attend the first 6 Wednesdays of Term 1? On these days, Foundation teachers complete one-to-one testing with Foundation students, allowing students and teachers time to get to know each other and how they learn best. There is no need to study or pre-work for this test, it is simply a 'getting to know you' interview. You will be allocated a time for your child to attend, parents do not stay for these short sessions.


These days are a also wonderful opportunity for all the Foundation students to have a mid-week break. We often recommend that extra-curricular activities (like swimming or Scouts) are kept to a minimum in Term 1, you could be surprised by how much energy it takes to get used to being a school kid!