New Faces

Brooke Lockhart - Counsellor

Hi, Nazareth College community. My name is Brooke Lockhart and I am very grateful to be coming on board as a School Counsellor within your wonderful school community. Previously I have worked in youth and social work roles and as a family therapist and also as a Pilates teacher. I am very passionate about assisting young people to overcome challenges in order to grow and learn and to reach their potential. I have a husband and three young children - two daughters aged nine and seven and a nearly two year old son. I will be working at Nazareth on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and really look forward to getting to know the staff, students and parents of Nazareth College.


Elisha Duckett - Learning Support Officer

Greetings all!  My name is Elisha and I have just started working as a Learning Support Officer at Nazareth College. I am currently studying a Master of Social Work at Monash University after finishing up a Bachelor of Liberal Arts. I'm hoping that my study and work will go hand in hand in assisting the learning of students! Apart from study and work, I enjoy playing netball, hitting the gym and spending time with family. 


The first few weeks at Nazareth have been great; I’ve loved getting to know staff and students from different year levels. Thank you for your kind reception; I look forward to meeting more of you as the weeks go on! 


Ms Joanne Ho - EAL Teacher

Hello, Nazareth College! I am Ms Joanne Ho, and I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful family. My passion lies in travelling and exploring new places, with a deep appreciation for culture and history. Currently, I teach English to our international students in the bridging course. As we begin this exciting journey together, I encourage all students to extend a warm hello and embrace the opportunity to make friends with our new schoolmates. Let's forge lasting connections and celebrate the beauty of our global community!