Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Cyber Safety & School Rules

Year 7,8 & 9 students were blessed last Tuesday to have Susan McLean present a session to them on Child Safety. Susan, with years of experience in the Police Force, working in Police Investigation and then years speaking to thousands of young people every year, is an expert in this area. Susan presented in an engaging and very informative manner to our students. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to also look at some of her resources and her website  to assist themselves to be up to speed with what you need to know to be able to support your children.


At Nazareth College our rules in relation to use of digital devices are to assist all students in their learning, as well as to ensure the safety of all students. In the last few weeks there have been a few incidents of students having their phones with them when they should not, and some incidents of taking videos at school. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to please talk to your child(ren) about the rules the school has in this area (found in the student diary) and how they are in place to support their learning and protect them. As we heard on Tuesday, there are numerous crimes that young people can commit on their devices and often without thinking through the ramifications or intending harm to anyone. One clear message was that anything that is posted can never be deleted. We encourage students, and indeed all the members of our community, to comply by these rules that exist for your benefit. Please feel free to call us at the College if you have any questions or want to discuss cyber safety at school.


A big thank you to the majority of students who consistently wear the uniform with pride. It seems there are still a few students out of uniform. A reminder that there is the option of the second hand uniform shop at the College. If there are any items that you are unable to attain please ensure your child has a signed parent/guardian/carer note for their Pastoral Teacher.

Child Safety

This term we have employed a third counsellor, Brooke Lockhart, as we continue to offer the best support we can to our students. If you feel like counselling may assist your child, please have a conversation with them and encourage them to make use of this great service.


You are most welcome to contact one of our counsellors,  Casey Cilia, Arlene Diston or Brooke Lockhart via email at any time:


If you have any general concerns or issues with your child that may be assisted by a conversation with our staff, please contact the College.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students