
Heroes and Saints

We can look around us and see famous people in our world. Maybe a sports champion, a movie-star, an influencer or a popular singer. The real heroes for us, however, are those who make a difference in our lives through commitment, faith, perseverance and loyalty. The example of the saints show these qualities in how they followed Jesus in their lives.


Last Saturday was the feast day of Saint Mary Magdalene. Once demon-possessed, and in need of healing,  Mary had been set free because Jesus healed her (Luke 8:1-3). There was no way Mary was going to forget this man. When we love someone, we do crazy things. Mary Magdalene was consumed with love for Jesus. He changed her life. She knew He was the Saviour of the world, because He had healed her and saved her when no one else could. Mary Magdalene was a woman of great faith. She was entrusted before all others with announcing the great joy of the Resurrection. 


The Feast day of the Apostle St James is 25 July. He instantly followed Jesus, leaving his livelihood and taking up the call to follow Jesus – letting nothing get in his way.

The Feast day of the St Ignatius of Loyola is 31 July. He followed Jesus, leaving his profession as a soldier and taking up the call to follow Jesus. He started the Jesuit order and inspired many to follow Jesus.


We can be a visible example of faith and love in our own life every day. We can offer help and encouragement to those who feel hopeless or discouraged by health issues. We can be a support to those who are struggling as this time by taking time to listen or by visiting when we can.


May we recognise the real heroes for us are those who make a difference in our lives through commitment, faith, perseverance and loyalty. May we follow the example of the saints show these qualities in how they followed Jesus in their lives. Like these saints, may we overcome the challenges in our lives to be people of great faith.




Holy Family of Nazareth, be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth, help us to grow in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge.