Primary School
From the Head of Primary
The term ahead has a busy calendar for our Primary School students and I applaud the efforts of our staff and families in supporting all the incredible experiences on offer. This week our Year Five students had a special guest speaker in Japanese, Shane Binns, who spoke about his time as an exchange student in Japan and his more recent work on the snow fields. Thank you, Mrs Kristy Jaeckel, Molly Stan-Bishop and Shane for sparking wonder and inspiration in our students. Our Year Sixes spent time creating volcanoes in the MakerSpace, tuning into their Term Three inquiry on natural disasters. Meanwhile, our Years Three to Five students had yet another visit from their mysterious chaos creator, this time finding their Head of Primary tied to a chair with the House bunting in the photocopier room. I feel they are only one more incident away from discovering the culprit…
We began our Stretch and Challenge Mathematics groups this week and will spend the next four weeks focusing on fractions during this time. Horizons groups began on Wednesday afternoon (except Cooking which starts next week) and our ensembles are busy preparing items for the upcoming Kingfisher Concert.
Spotlight on Term Three in the ECC
Kindy and Djinda: Mrs Craig and Mrs Ranger have set up a hive of activity in the Kindergarten room as they inquire into Sharing the Planet. Students can be found hunting for bugs in the tough tray and identifying different species with magnifying glasses in their giant insect hotel.
Pre-Primary: Mrs Brown has set up an exciting camping area in the home corner as they inquire into Where We Are in Place and Time - Exploration leads to discovery.
Year One: Chris Mills and Shauna Willis could be put out of a job soon by our budding Year One weather forecasters. They have their own weather station area set up and have been studying the changes in the sky each night, too.
Year Two: If the release of Barbie has sparked some nostalgia towards your childhood toy collection, step inside Year Two to revisit toys from the past and have a go at using some push and pull forces. Our Year Two class is learning all about how technology has changed over time and objects that require a push or pull force.
Community News
Denby Sharpe - Tennis
A big congratulations to Denby Sharpe (Year Six) on earning a place in the 2023 School Sports WA U12 state tennis team. A huge achievement, Denby, and we wish you well for the tournaments ahead.
Jessie Rotoff – Year Six Community Service Programme
Jessie Rotoff has become a familiar name and a popular talent at Clarence Estate, entertaining the residents with her lovely violin playing and charming them with her caring demeanour, and making an appearance in the Clarence Estate newsletter. Jessie has also been fundraising for The Royal Flying Doctors, a charity close to her and her family. Well done for your generosity and efforts to give back.
Values and Stars of the Week
Our whole school value for the following fortnight is 'Compassion' – being concerned for others. Congratulations to our wonderful Primary School students who have been awarded for demonstrating this value:
Elke Bray, Daniel Cruse, Maddy Hull, Louis Taylor, Blythe Marmion, Ally Buxton, Amaya Kiddle, Emily Hicks and Poppy John.
Well done to our ECC Stars of the Week: Ally Buxton, Benjamin Fergie, Pippa Hancock and Annabelle Brennan.
Upcoming Events
Friday 28 July
House Sports – Students may wear sports uniform and House shirts
Crazy Hair Day – please bring along a gold coin donation and your best crazy hair!
Week Three
Friday 4 August Year Six Katanning Netball Trip (select students)
Year Four Assembly – all welcome 2.20pm in the Hall
APSMO testing - Select Year Five and Six students
Exciting Events for the Term to mark in your calendars, exact details can be found through My GSG and the school app
Week Four
Year Five Camp to Pemberton
Mokare Day
Week Five
Eagles Cup Dockers Shield,
St Hilda’s College Music Workshop
Week Six
Boarders Closed Weekend (Monday is a pupil free day)
Science Day (Wednesday)
Book Week (Dress up day Thursday) – 'Read Grow Inspire' theme
Year Four Chapel Service
Week Seven
Year Five Assembly
Year Six Try a Sport Day
Father’s Morning
Week Eight
APSMO testing (select Years Five and Six students)
Baudin Day
Kingfisher Fair
Week Nine
Kingfisher Concert
Year One Assembly
Wishing you a wonderful weekend
Mrs Leah Field | Head of Primary