Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow:

Mehran Ahmadi for doing a great job at following directions and trying his best. 

Well done, Mehran!

Willow Kelly for trying her best to be attentive and showing resilience.


Miss Turk:

Mubarak Koko for an excellent start to his published book.

 Beautiful handwriting Mubarak, keep it up!

Zara Kyriakou for always working hard on her reading. 

You’re doing an awesome job Zara!

Mrs Weber:

Krisha Chandwanifor always completing beautiful work and being a happy and friendly classmate. Well done Krisha!

Maaz Fayyaz for showing great improvement is his reading and writing. 

Super work Maaz!

Mr Morrison:

Harley Ridden for continuing her amazing growth in her reading and writing. 

Top job Harley !!!

Yuvraj Sur for making great progress with his writing and letter formation. 

Well done Yuvi !

Miss Finn:

Maryanne Kaufusi for working really hard to complete her fractured fairytale. 

Well done!

Niranoma Atkinson for producing an excellent fractured fairytale and 

showing imagination. Great work!

Mr Maskell:

Aria Nicholson for trying to her best and helping to keep the room clean. 


Ethan Titterrell for settling back in the classroom and speaking kindly to others. 


Mr Andronaco:

Maria Solyman - For her participation in athletics, and her story writing. Great work!


Ethan Wright - For his hard work and dedication during his Fractured Fairy Tales.  


Miss Sidebottom:

Noah Watkins for his awesome reading and going up a level. 

Keep up the great work!

Maria Reyes for her magnificent narrative she has created. 

Keep up the great work!


Middle Years

Mr O'Hara:

Daniel Yel for improving his writing skills and constructing an interesting narrative draft. Keep it up Daniel!

Sajad Ahmadi for creating an amazing hidden Flat Stanley portrait to accompany his published writing. Amazing work Sajad!

Mr Secchi:

Leo Luvara for the excellent effort and attention that he has put into his narrative writing this week! Keep the great work up, Leo!

Mahrosh Fayyaz for the excellent effort she has put into learning her times tables.

You have become much more fluency and show your building confidence everyday.

Keep it up, Mahrosh!

Mr Renato:

Ranali for creating a fantastic narrative about flat classmates and included features of similes and character dialogue in her writing.   

Leon Maina for being able to accept results and use self umpiring skills during 

a whole unit game.

Mrs Dainton:

Mia Wright for her persistence in her Writing on the computer. 

Mia is positive in every thing she does in all areas of the curriculum.

Well Done Mia!

Elsie Lamb for her Writing of the Flat Stanley story for our Book week Author study.

Well Done Elsie !

Mr Howley:

Lucas Prenzler for his very creative idea for story about Chapter 5 of Flat Stanley. 

Lucas linked in New Year’s Eve celebrations to his story.

Aaron Agnal for his very creative writing for his author study of Flat Stanley. 

His writing was very neat.

Senior Years

Mr Beks:

Daniella Luvara-Collyer for being such a welcoming and friendly student who always tries her best in work. 


Mason Laity for making a great start to the term and showing consistent behaviour and improvements in all aspects of learning. Keep up the great work!


Mr Lindon:

Nitya Advani for her consistency and overall ability to complete extension tasks in all areas of learning to great effect. Well done Nitya! 

Levi Collie for completing his learning tasks, always trying to do his best work in 

all learning areas.

Mr Iorianni:

~ Not supplied ~

Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Pray- Pray is a very dedicated learner and puts great effort into all he does. 

Well done Pray keep up the great work.

Ethon was applying himself extremely well when learning about angles in mathematics. Well done Ethon excellent effort.