Catholic Identity


This week, across the school we all celebrated the special Feast of The Assumption of Mary.  Our Years 3 to 6 went to Mass and joined our parishioners in a beautiful Mass for the Assumption.  Students were involved in Altar serving, singing in the choir, offertory and readings and prayers.  Many lovely comments were made by the parishioners on the beautiful participation and reverence of our students. 


The students in the Junior Years participated in their own class Feast of the Assumption Paraliturgies.  The students across all the Junior Years classes set up a beautiful prayer space as their central prayer focus and joined in prayers and singing.  


The Catholic Church teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, was taken up body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life. As a Church we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15 each year.   The Assumption of Mary can best be described as Mary going up to Heaven, ‘body and soul’, assumed into Heaven.  


This week the students at St Brendan's paid a beautiful homage to Mary this week in their participation in the Masses and Paraliturgies on Tuesday. 



Seasons of Creation


Catholic Earthcare along with Caritas Australia have launched their Online  Seasons of Creation Art Competition and this year some of  our very talented and artistic students have participated in the event.


Please see the images displayed below to start voting. The students responded to the theme of 'Let Justice and Peace Flow.' 


The Artwork with the most amount of Likes by the 1st of September will receive the 'People's Choice' award at this year’s Australian Season of Creation Online Launch on September 4th.


If you would like to visit  you will see the primary schools entry images as a post. The winning art piece will receive a voucher for art supplies and will feature in the Season 

of Creation launch on September 4th online.


So start 'Liking' and start 'Voting' and let friends and family know!


Let's support our students in all their endeavours.  Good Luck to all our students who participated this year in this wonderful initiative.

Youth Mass


Next Saturday, August 26th at the 6pm Mass, St Brendan's Church will be holding another Youth Mass for our young and interested Parishioners. 


Families and students from St Brendan's are all welcome.  


Please let Leanne Pellegrino know if you would like your child to be actively involved in the Mass. 


We look forward to this special and fun celebration of the Eucharist with Pizza and Fizzy Drinks followed afterwards in the Monsignor Peter Jeffery Centre (behind the Church).