Principal's Report

Respect, Creativity, Endeavour, Friendliness, Honesty, Trust

Principal’s Message

Reminder: 2024 Enrolments - Open now

If you have a child who will be commencing Foundation at Roberts McCubbin PS in 2024, or know of a friend/relative/associate who is considering joining our wonderful community, enrolments for the 2024 school year are currently open.

Early enrolments greatly assist us in important planning decisions, particularly in preparing our staffing requirements. Fortnightly tours have been held throughout this year and are continuing throughout term 3.


Conversely, if your family are planning a move elsewhere for 2024, early notification also greatly assists our forward planning.

Public Speaking Superstars!

On Tuesday evening I had the pleasure of attending the annual Rotary Club of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills Primary School Public Speaking Competition, hosted by Chatham Primary School.

In all there were around 15 speakers from Years 5 or 6, representing schools from within our area, including Catholic and Government schools. Representing our school with distinction were Amelia and Aurelia from Year 5. All Year 5 and 6 students had the opportunity to prepare and present speeches to their peers and teachers in our own school competition, with Amelia and Aurelia chosen as our representatives to progress to the official competition.

Amelia spoke passionately on her topic "If I could change the world", with a heart-felt plea about the need for action on climate change. Aurelia waited patiently as one of the final few speakers on the night, before beautifully delivering her thoughts on the topic "What happiness means to me", reminding the audience to appreciate the things in life that really matter.

I was exceptionally proud of both of our students, not only for the professional manner in which they presented, but also for the intellectual substance of their words - which clearly were very personal and meaningful.

The evening was compèred and judged by officials from the Toastmasters organisation, with the judges taking an extraordinarily long time to deliberate this year, testament to the exceptional quality of all entrants. The host offered individual praise to each contestent, including some enthusiastic encouragement to both Amelia and Aurelia.

In the end, we offer our congratulations to the winners, but remain no less proud of Amelia and Aurelia; who in my extremely biased opinion would also have been very worthy winners.

At our assembly next week, we look forward to hearing Amelia and Aurelia's speeches presented to our whole school!

Congratulations to all RMPS students who prepared and presented a speech in our school competition, as well as to teachers and parents/carers for their support at school and home.

Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

Yesterday, Stephen Roche and I attended the Inner East Principal's forum, at which Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education, David Howes, delivered an address discussing some of the challenges facing schools at present. A concerning element was a reported increase in racism and antisemitism in Victorian schools, particularly in secondary schools. While such reports are thankfully very rare in our school community, we will continue to monitor and educate our students around these issues.


In related news, as detailed in the "What's Happening" part of the newsletter, staff and students will be recognising the upcoming National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. At Roberts McCubbin Primary School we are always seeking to proactively prevent any kind of bullying and violence, as well as responding quickly and restoratively when rare occasions do arise. However, we do recognise we can always get better, so please take the time to participate in the survey through the link on the What's Happening page.

Deck Project Nearly Open

Nearly there! On Monday, Stephen Roche and myself have been invited to a handover meeting with the company who have managed construction of our new deck and entrance area.

We are delighted with how it is looking and look forward to seeing our students enjoy the area very soon!

Thanks #1

Sincere thanks to organiser Lindsay Gamble and the team of PFA volunteers who organised and operated the barbecue at Bunnings last weekend. Please see the PFA page for the list of volunteers and further photos and details. We look forward to the proceeds being put towards some sporting equipment that students will be able to enjoy in the near future!

Thanks #2

Thankyou to Tim Fearn-Wannan and the squad of parents/carers and staff who worked at our Athletics Carnival last week. Among his hard work in preparing for the day, Tim also claims to have had some kind of meteorological influence in the beautiful weather we enjoyed on the day. True or not, well done Tim!

The sight of our students running, jumping and throwing their way around Bill Sewart Reserve was a sight for sore eyes, with competition conducted in tremendous spirit.

Congratulations to Green House for taking out first place on the day!

Financial Assistance

We are well aware that many in our community are currently experiencing significant financial hardship at present. In keeping with our strong commitment to inclusion at Roberts McCubbin Primary School, if your family is finding payment for a school event to be prohibitive, please contact myself or Business Manager Melissa for a confidential discussion of options.








Peter Watson
