Spotlight on Saints

Brought to you by Bhelissa and Richelle - Year 5

Saint Francis Xavier

Feast Day: December 3rd


Francis was born in the year 1015 in Spain, he was sent to Saint Barbra college in Paris and became a teacher there. He joined Saint Ignatius and four other men who vowed to work for the conversion of souls.


Before ordination to the priesthood in Venice he cared for the sick in the hospital.                   The King of Portugal needed six missionaries to preach the faith in India, Saint Francis was one of the six missionaries. He went to Goa and helped the sick, he also taught catechism in the church. He preached in south India and converted thousands of souls.


First Francis sailed to Japan in 1549, many people were brought to their true faith. While he was on a ship to China he became very sick with a very high fever. The ship stopped at an island, Saint Francis died in a old cabin on December 2nd 1552. 

Saint Francis Xavier's flaming heart means his amazing love for God and for souls. 


By Bhelissa.K and Richelle.S