Religious Education

Be the Light: Illuminating the World with Acts of Kindness

In a world often clouded by darkness, we, as Catholics, are called to be the light that shines brightly for all to see. Our faith challenges us to extend love, compassion, and kindness to others, thereby reflecting the divine light within us.  So how can we accept this challenge to 'Be the Light' to those around us?



Through prayer, we can ask for God's guidance and strength as well as praying for those in need, such as the marginalised, sick and suffering.


Acts of Charity

Engaging in acts of service for others such as donating food, volunteering your time or simply reaching out to those who may be lonely or in need of support.


Spread Kindness

Encourage your children to be kind to others. Teach them the value of empathy and the power of a smile or a kind word.


Be Peacemakers

Foster a peaceful environment within your family and community by encouraging forgiveness, reconciliation and understanding.


Lead by Example

Let your actions speak louder than words. Show your children what it means to live out the Gospel values in everyday life.


By being the light, we have the ability to bring hope, and joy to those who are in darkness. Let us illuminate the world around us through our words, actions and love for one another.

Together, we can make a huge difference.


May God bless you abundantly as you strive to "Be the Light" in the world.


Pauline Moran

Religious Education Leader