Middle School Report

Ms Michelle Collins

Message from the 

Director of  Learning - Middle School

Ms Michelle Collins

I hope you are all staying warm throughout this chilly winter! 

The frosty mornings can make it hard to jump out of bed in the morning but now is the perfect time to reflect and refocus our energies into our learning behaviours that support our learning. 

You are what matters most, and we are here to ensure you are always striving to improve and grow. 

We have a wonderful community here at Westall and as your school, we endeavour to maintain a supportive and safe learning environment. We'll always be working hard to make our teaching and how we connect with you even better. 

We set our expectations high for you and also for ourselves - we want you and everyone here to be superstars in everything you do.

You, as a student, can control how much your learning improves, by:

  • Coming to school prepared! – This means coming in full uniform, with all your class materials and your devices fully charged.
  • Coming to school on time! - This includes getting to every class on time.
  • Coming to school ready to learn! - Going to class with a mindset ready to explore and ask questions and participating to the best of your ability.

Keep up the great work and finish Term 3 on a high note!

Meet the Teachers

As we all struggle through the chilly winter period, we asked our Middle School teachers – ‘What do you do to keep your spirits up during winter?'


Attend the annual Melbourne International Film Festival!' Ms Moore


'Hang out to different places each week, such as Luna Park, karaoke, hiking...and take lots of photos.' Mr Ji


'Do my best to stay warm. Whether that be wear warm clothes, put the heater on or even go for a run.' Mr Goulimus

Classroom Corner

Continue below for a snapshot of what is happening in our Middle School classrooms!

Year 9 Global Literacy

In their study of Civics and Citizenship this term, our Year 9 students learnt about the features and principles of the Australian legal system. As part of this unit, students participated in a mock trial. The classroom was set up as a makeshift court room and our student participants enthusiastically donned costumes and wigs which helped them embody their roles. Individual were assigned roles such as judge, witness, the defendant or jury member.


After intense deliberation the jury delivered their verdict. Students were then required to reflect on their experience as part of their assessment. This interactive activity enabled students to apply and interpret the law themselves. Hopefully this inspired some of them to become future law makers! 


Ms Sian Moore

Humanities Coordinator

Engaging Democracy: Students Participate in Mock Election to Understand the Australian Electoral Process

We are excited to share with you the incredible experience our students had recently as they took part in a mock election, mirroring the democratic process in Australia. This engaging and educational activity aimed to provide our students with a deeper understanding of the electoral system and foster a sense of civic responsibility.


During the mock election, students had the opportunity to experience the entire voting process firsthand. They lined up, received their ballot papers, and made their way to the voting booths to cast their votes. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement as students carefully considered their choices and exercised their right to vote. This experience emphasized the importance of informed decision-making and encouraged students to think critically about the candidates and their policies.

To make the experience as authentic as possible, our students also took on the roles of election officials, ensuring that the voting process ran smoothly and efficiently. They learned about the responsibilities of polling officers, such as checking identification, marking off names, and maintaining the secrecy and integrity of the voting process. This hands-on involvement helped students appreciate the hard work and dedication required to conduct a fair and transparent election.


Following the mock election, our students engaged in meaningful discussions about the importance of democracy, the power of individual voices, and the responsibility that comes with voting. They analyzed the results, examined voting patterns, and explored the impact of different political ideologies on society. These reflective conversations deepened their understanding of the democratic process and encouraged them to become active and engaged citizens.


At Westall Secondary College, we strive to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared to contribute positively to society. Activities like the mock election empower our students to become informed and active citizens, shaping the future of our nation through their voices and choices.


Mr. Jeffrey Ji

Melbourne Now art excursion 

During the third week of Term 3, Year 9 and 10 Design Art and Visual/Media Art students had the invaluable opportunity to explore the captivating "Melbourne Now" exhibition at NGV Australia. This immersive experience immersed them in interactive art forms, including Virtual Reality and AI technology. The Design students were particularly inspired by contemporary design styles that seamlessly integrated innovative materials into unique artistic expressions, encouraging them to approach their own artworks with heightened creativity. This excursion undoubtedly expanded their artistic horizons, fostering a more imaginative and innovative approach to material selection and techniques for their future creations.


Cecilia Yuan

Art Teacher 


The trip to National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) was amazing, i saw many unique art projects such as the swarming, a VR about life and death and an interesting concept of an art piece called the red room (which was much literally just a red room!), throughout the day I had fun reading and learning about pieces of art work and the history behind it!



Tuna patties with yoghurt dill sauce made by Year 9/10 Food Studies elective 

Lee Read

Food Technology Coordinator