School Calendar

Monday 7th AugustYear 11 VCE Course Counselling Interviews
 Year 11 VM Couse Counselling Interviews
 Basketball Tournament 
 After school Art Club
 After school Homework Club
Tuesday 8th August Year 8 Course Counselling Interviews
 Year 9 Course Counselling Interviews
 Year 7 Weekly Sport
Weds 9th AugustWELC Term 3 Swimming Lessons
Thurs 10th AugustBadminton Tournament 
 International Homework Club
Friday 11th AugustStudent Free Day - Staff Wellbeing Day offsite
Monday 14th AugustYear 10 Course Counselling Interviews
 Year 12 Work Related Skills Fare Share Excursion
 Term 3 After School Art Club 
Tuesday 15thAugustYear 12 Work Related Skills Fare Share Excursion
Weds 16th AugustIntermediate Interschool Sport
 Year 12 VTAC Session
Thurs 17th August Year 9 Romeo and Juliet Incursion
 Year 11 VM Victorian Careers & Employment Expo 
 Year 7+8 Incursion: 'Wired' performance
Monday 21th AugustVET Cookery
Tuesday 22nd AugustVET External Electrotechnology
Wednesday 23rd AugustVET External for VM and VCE Students
Thurs 24th AugustKingston Division Athletics
Friday 25th AugustYear 8 Weekly Sport
Monday 28th AugustVET Cookery
Tuesday 29th AugustVET External Electrotechnology
Wednesday 30th AugustVET External for VM and VCE Students
Friday 1st SeptemberYear 8 Weekly Sport
Monday 4th SeptemberPerformance Bunjil Place
 VET Cookery
Tuesday 5th SeptemberVET External Electrotechnology
Wednesday 6th SeptemberVET External for VM and VCE Students