Principal's Report

Mr Tristan Lanarus 

Report from Westall Principal 2023

Dear Westall SC Community,


It’s been a busy start to Term 3 and we have already reached the halfway mark of the term. We have celebrated student performance across Terms 1 and 2 via our recent awards assembly and through the release of Semester 1 reports. This has flowed in to 2024 subject selection which is now almost complete. We have been super impressed with the engagement of students in this process. The vast majority of students have presented at subject selection interviews having done their reading and research and made informed decisions on their subjects, careers and pathways into next year and beyond.


We ask all students to continue making every day count and for families to support this endeavour. Attending school every day, being punctual and in full school uniform. Arriving at each class with the correct books and materials, your student diary and having completed any homework set. We are committed to setting high expectations as the research clearly demonstrates the link between high performance in these areas and successful outcomes at school leading to successful careers.


The DOE (Department of Education) school framework now has learning and wellbeing equally tagged and weighted. Learning has always been a school’s core business and it is now recognised that good wellbeing and mental health is critical in supporting learning. It’s a simple notion that makes sense. We can’t learn effectively if we are not in the right headspace. We significantly resource this space with our wellbeing team, therapy dogs and sub school structure. We offer a range of programs and proactive supports for all students along with responsive care and support to individual students. In 2024 this will be further extended with the introduction of a weekly wellbeing class for all Year 7 and 8 students and a continuation of wellbeing workshops across Years 9-12. I encourage all students and families to engage with these programs and opportunities and to look out for the weekly wellbeing bulletins.


Some exciting news with our new Learning Centre building getting closer to completion. The building is located between our Arena Basketball courts and newly marked, levelled, and mowed Rugby/Soccer pitch. We should occupy the building from November when we will start to furnish and set up the rooms ready to commence classes for Day 1, 2024. The plan is that our Senior Sub School (Year 11 and 12 students) will be based in the new space. Some pictures are attached.


Two items of national significance to finish with. How good are those Matildas going!! We are down to the last 8 in the Women’s Soccer World Cup at the time of writing this. To have such a significant world event being hosted here in Australia and for our team to still be alive in the last 8 is incredibly exciting. Arguably rivals the Sydney 2000 Olympics in terms of significant Australian sporting events. Hopefully, you are able to follow the final stages of the tournament. Another big item on the national agenda is the Voice referendum. Referendums do not come along often, and it is certainly not my place to influence how you should vote. I do encourage you to be informed though so that your vote counts on this important issue.


Until next time!


Mr Tristan Lanarus 

Principal, Westall Secondary College