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Year 7 and Year 8 Wonder Incursion - 27th July
Our Year 7 and 8 Wonder class 'Australia's Got Talent' were entertained and impressed with a visit from a famous magician, Timothy Ellis. Tim stunned the class with many of his incredible tricks and even shared some secrets about what goes on behind the scenes in the world of magic. He went on to teach the class some more simple tricks. This magical visit has inspired some students to consider practising this skill for their upcoming talent show at the end of the term.
Ms Deanna Galante
Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition Results 2023 - 30th July
Once again this year, the students studying Italian in Years 9 and 10 had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Dante Alighieri Italian poetry competition at Melbourne University.
We had a total of forty-six students take part in this competition, where students recited their chosen poem in Italian with a focus on memorisation, pronunciation and delivery with meaning. Recitation is a highly valuable experience in Language learning and these competitions are an excellent way to enrich the study of Italian language and culture.
Congratulations to all the other students in Years 9 and 10 who also achieved either a Certificate of Pregio (High Distinction), Lode (Honourable Mention), Merito (Merit) or Participazione (Participation). Certificates will be distributed soon.
I am proud to announce the results of both of those competitions. Congratulations to the following students:
In particular, I would like to congratulate our Finalista (Finalist) Hailey Xavier who represented us in the next level of the competition, the Poetry Finals. Well done to you for this achievement. Auguri e congratulazioni!
Tanti Auguri to all participants from the Languages Faculty.
As Federico Fellini would say “ A different language is a different vision of life”.
Ms Liliana Gallo
Learning Area Leader- Languages
Maths Week - 31st July
What a week! We collectively solved over 10,000 questions and believe it or not ... WE HAD FUN DOING IT!
Pi Lunch Award: Year 8 - St. Mary Mackillop for winning the Daily Quiz
New Calculator Award: Bernadette A for highest individual score on Daily Quiz
Rubik's Cube Race Award: Hayley N - solved in 90.3 seconds!
Pi Recital Award: Tanreet P who recited pi to 81 digits!
Times Tables Races Award: Mia N ... who beat a gallant Ms Wong in the Grand Final playoff.
Special mentions to Australian Maths Competition participants and to the Year 7 students who got involved in The Maths Show.
#MathsIsCool #MathsIsBeauty #MathsIsFun #MathsIsLife #MathsWeek2023 #KillesterMaths
Mr Luke Martin
Maths Learning Leader
Global Politics - 1st August
In Unit 2 Global Politics, we have been exploring bipolarity, which refers to the influence of Superpowers within International Relations. Class members researched, organised and facilitated a United Nations summit that evaluated the influence of China and The United States in our world from a historical, and current perspective. Groups were given specific countries to represent, and also had the ability to form coalitions to challenge China and The United States through discussions and some respectful, but robust debate!
This experience drew on other components of our current area of study where we will have explored globalisation and future topics including Terrorism and Human Rights, hallmarks of the work of the United Nations.
“I really enjoyed this experience as it allowed me to understand not just about my designated country, but also about what other countries stand for. It was fun to debate and try to put yourself out there even when we were put on the spot. This UN Summit taught me more about bipolarity than any textbook ever could!”
Ms Desiree de Waal
VCE Vocational Major Incursion - 1st August
On the 1st of August, James FiFord from the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) visited the VCE Vocational Major students about voting.
"I learned about how the election process operates and I got to be one of the officers working in the Mock Election." Jesele
"I liked how James taught us about the history of voting in Australia through a fun matching activity." Annabelle
Ms Nicole Scott
VCE Vocational Major Leader
CGSAV Volleyball - 2nd August
Last week, we had seven Volleyball teams travel to MSAC to participate in the CGSAV Volleyball competition. Our teams all had a great day, working together and supporting each other.
We are so proud of our students for putting in 110%, which shows in our outstanding results below:
Junior A - Grand Final
Junior B - Grand Final - Winners
Intermediate A - Grand Final - Winners
Intermediate B - Grand Final - Winners
Senior B - Grand Finals - Winners
That's four out of five teams winning Grand Finals! 🥳
A big thank you and congratulations to all of the staff and students involved 👏
Miss Rebecca Roberts
Sports Leader
Year 12 VCE Vocational Major Excursion - 4th August
The Inclusive Youth Ambassadors event was held on the 4th of August at Springvale City Hall with Dandenong High School and the Year 12 VCE Vocational Major students of Killester College and hosted by the City of Greater Dandenong.
Feedback from the students included:
"We got a better understanding of the LGBTQI+ community from the guest speakers and the youth services of the City of Greater Dandenong" Holly
"It was insightful and informative. The hosts were engaging. The guest speakers shared their personal stories of adversity, which stuck with me, as they described their struggles of being LGBTQI+ in a predominantly straight community." Chloe
Ms Nicole Scott
VCE Vocational Major Leader
Year 7 Awards - 9th August
Year 7 Leaders have nominated students throughout the year who they believe have contributed positively and consistently to the cohesion of the level.
Our students nominated this term have included Zoe P (St Maria Goretti), Zoe N (St Rafka) and Snehal D (St Rose).
A big shout out to Mary-Claire L - Judo champion, Talia K - AFL football and Zoe P - Trampoline champion. These students have excelled in their sports and display dedication and commitment to their studies.
The leaders will be presenting a Year 7 Assembly later this month to showcase our 2023 year so far.
Congratulations students!
Ms Michel Kennedy
Year 7 Level Leader
Year 11 Incursion - 10th August
This morning we were lucky to have Batyr speak to us all about the importance of young people living mentally healthy lives. We heard a personal story from Eliza (who is a contestant on ‘The Block’ this year!) who bravely shared her experiences coping with mental health struggles and her powerful message to seek help and support.
Ms Elissa Galante
Year 11 Level Leader
Year 10 Textiles Excursion - 10th August
Year 10 Textiles students traveled to Labassa Mansion to take part in an interesting and unique new ‘Fashion Detective’ program. Students were first introduced to a small collection of garments worn by Australian women and children during the 1800’s.
Attention to detail, garment features and materials were discussed. Students then broke into groups to look closely at three separate garments, to answer a series of questions helping them determine: the age of the garment, its purpose, as well as trying to profile the individual/s who would have worn the garment. The investigative work drew some interesting findings that surprised students, helping gain more awareness to the evolution of clothing over time.
This rare and unique experience will hopefully help inspire future garments students decide to make in Textiles.
Ms Amy Dallas
Textiles Teacher
Winter School Uniform Fitting - Ongoing
Killester College
Belgravia Apparel is pleased to offer personalized winter uniform fitting appointments at our Dandenong School Uniform Store
Book your fitting via the link below
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to view our range, view store trading hours or shop online.