Students' Corner 

Year 6 in Profile

My name is Samantha, and I really have to tell you how great it is to be in Year Six in Senior School at Holy Family.  I love that we have many fun and exciting privileges in Year Six, including leadership opportunities, such as being a Library Leader. Being a Library Leader is extremely fun because you get to help younger children out when they’re at the library at lunchtime. I am a leader for the younger kids, and I am able to help them learn to love reading books, just like me!  

In Senior School there are lots of ways you can grow into a great leader who cares about others. These responsibilities are going to help me so much in high school. So what do you think? Would you like to join us in Senior School next year?


Would you like to come to school feeling happy, excited, and ready for learning? I’m Isla, and this is how I feel every day about coming to school at Holy Family. I experience so much happiness when I’m in Senior School because everybody is so optimistic and enthusiastic. 

Let me tell you about my teachers. Are your teachers engaging and fun to be around? Mine are! And because of this, I can understand challenging and complex topics like History. 

How much do you know about Federation, Government, Constitutions, and Colonies? Well, I’m learning about that right now!

There is no other place I’d rather be than at Senior School, Holy Family! My Senior teachers have been doing their very best to prepare all of Year 6 for the challenges of High School. Come and join us! What are you waiting for?