Merit Awards 

Term 3, Week 4 


  • Avery Brettle for following instructions and her cheerful approach to class activities.
  • Frederick Farrell for persisting with skipping and wonderful super fine motor control in prewriting activities.
  • Orlando Hodgens for including others in class activities and wonderful counting.
  • Hudson Hoy for his amazing skipping demonstration and awesome counting and number identification.


  • William Neill for taking great pride in his neat handwriting and book presentation.
  • Stirling Turner for his fantastic problem solving and reasoning in our recent Maths topics for Addition and Subitising Dot Patterns.
  • Evie Cox for creating some interesting and entertaining sentences in her writing.
  • Thomas Sawaki-Gillard for making great progress with his blending and decoding with his reading

Year 1/2

  • Alex Brazier for his wonderful contribution with class discussions.
  • Kayden Williams for being confident with counting in multiples of 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s
  • Penny McLennan for being a safe learner at our school.
  • Mackenna Cleaver for persistently paying attention in all learning tasks 
  • Jack Newberry for his fantastic use of phonics in his writes.
  • Chloe Reeves for working on her writing formation of letters, and spacing.  

Year 3/4

  • Willow for having a thoughtful approach research and reflection.
  • Charlie P for unique and interesting problem solving strategies in Math.
  • Lachlan C for always participating fairly in group discussions and making relevant connections.
  • Mia for focused and persistent problem solving strategies in mathematics. 

Year 5/6

  • Callie Cameron-  always trying her best with learning tasks.
  • George Hope- consistently being a role model for all students 
  • Rachael Jackson- a positive attitude towards all learning tasks.
  • Christopher Welsh- being a positive and engaged learner  


Kobi and Grace for taking the initiative and tidying the wind break, finding balls, rubbish and gardening equipment! Holy Dooley.
