A message from Troy   

Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 3. It was fantastic seeing everyone return last Tuesday. We have a busy term ahead with many whole school events including Footsteps, Book Week, Music Showcase and camp. We look forward to seeing you at lots of our whole school events. Here are some photos of students enjoying their break times over the first two weeks.


As part of Learn Stand Give Fly our focus for the term is on being empathetic. Students have been learning about what empathy is. Empathy is about being able to understand how someone else might be thinking or feeling in any situation. It's often referred to as putting yourself in someone else's shoes to see how they would be feeling. Through the process of teaching empathy one of our aims is to get students to stop and think by putting themselves in someone else's shoes to understand how they might want someone to respond to them in that situation. 


When thinking about empathy some people can often confuse it with sympathy. Sympathy often feels nice when received but often doesn't assist someone in dealing with their current emotions. Being empathetic gets the person to think and compare about their current situation and provide guidance and emotional support to get the help they need. 


When talking to your child at home ask them how someone else might be thinking or feeling as well as how would they like to be treated in that situation. Research shows the power in empathy in people's emotions and positive well-being. Keep looking out for some of the learning students are doing and encourage them to think about others. 

Parent Engagement Survey

You’re invited to complete the 2023 annual parent survey, which is now open.

In the week beginning Monday 31 July you’ll receive an email or SMS from the Parent Survey Team with a unique link to participate in the survey.

If you didn’t receive an email or SMS with your unique survey link, contact education.ParentSurvey@sa.gov.au and include our school’s name in your email.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes and will help us understand:

  • what we’re doing well
  • where we can improve
  • what’s important to you.

It has been coordinated centrally so that added administration workload isn't placed on the school.

Your answers won't identify you or your child. Only collated feedback will be provided to our school.

Information collected will inform school improvement planning and activities at the school.

The survey closes midnight Sunday 27 August.

For more information please contact me or visit the Department for Education website link https://fal.cn/3AnCJ 

Reports, Naplan and Learning Discussions #2 

By now everyone should have their mid-year report and for those students in years three and five their individual Naplan results. This is a great opportunity to see how your child is progressing with their learning in a range of different learning areas. 


I know many of you have been discussing your child's learning with their teachers throughout the year. If you would like a more formal opportunity to discuss the report or any aspect of your child's progress in their learning, we are offering a second round of Learning Conversations over the next week. This time we won't be booking through an app; we ask you to simply request a meeting by sending a SeeSaw message to your child's teacher, and they will be happy to arrange a time that works best for them and you. 


Last Wednesday, students were involved in Footsteps dance lessons. Students were learning new dances and a range of dance principles. It was absolutely fantastic seeing the high level of engagement from all our students and the enjoyment of learning something new. Here is a range of images highlighting some of the new dance moves they have already mastered. Once again thank you to our Parents and Friends who are supporting us with the funding for this program. 

Di's Final Day

It is with sad news to announce that Di Badenoch will be finishing up at Uraidla Primary School at the end of this term. We will all miss Di when she leaves and know she will be missed by the entire school community. 



Hope everyone has had a wonderful start back this term. I look forward to sharing lots more school news over the next two weeks before Margie returns. 

