Message from the Principal 

James Penson 


Over the next two weeks, we are excited to host our Life Education Program. These are specific modules selected by our school that are designed to engage, inspire and empower students. The modules cover a range of topics across the curriculum with a focus on:

  • Physical health
  • Social and Emotional Wellbeing
  • Safety

Our Prep students will complete a module called Harold’s Friend Ship. This module will cover the following:

  • How to build friendships and care for others.
  • Feelings and emotions.
  • Safe and unsafe situations, early warning signs and people to turn to for help.

Students in Year One will complete Ready, Steady, Go. This module will cover the following:

  • Benefits of physical activity.
  • Safety strategies in different environments.
  • How our body reacts in new situations.
  • What our body needs to be healthy including a nutritious diet, water and sleep.

The Year 2 students’ program is called Growing Good Friends. This module will cover the following:

  • Define who the “special people” are in our lives.
  • Identify ways to make new friends and maintain healthy friendships.
  • Explore how positive relationships benefit our health and wellbeing.

Year 3’s will complete a 90-minute module called The Inside Story. This module will cover the following:

  • The benefits of healthy food for health and energy.
  • Function of the body systems; digestive, respiratory, circulatory and others.
  • Factors that influence physical health, such as nutrition, exercise and medicines.

Our Year 4’s will complete a 90-minute module called Relate, Respect, Connect. This module will cover the following:

  • Understanding how and why it is important to respect ourselves and others.
  • Exploring the impact of disrespectful behaviours.
  • Identifying characteristics of positive relationships and strategies to maintain them.
  • Strategies to respond to unsafe or disrespectful situations online and offline.
  • Strategies for emotional regulation and avenues to seek support when needed. 



We are expecting NAPLAN reports to arrive at our school shortly. These reports will be sent home with all students in Years 3 & 5 who completed the assessments. 


The front page of the student report provides general information about the tests and an explanation of how to read the report (picture #1).

The second and third pages show the student’s result in each assessment area (picture #2). The results are classified into one of four proficiency levels: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs additional support.

The report shows the student’s achievement against the national average for their year (shown as a black triangle) and the range of achievement for the middle 60% of students in their year level (shown as a light shaded rectangle). Reports in some states and territories also show the school average.

The final page of the report provides a summary of the skills typically demonstrated by students at each proficiency level. Longer descriptions of the skills typically demonstrated by a student at each proficiency level can be found at proficiency level descriptions

Here is a link to a brief explanation video:



Throughout this year we have continued to modify and build our Continuous Reporting program. This term, we will share data around your child’s reading level. To do this, we will upload a summary of a “Running Record.” This is a form of assessment teachers use to capture how well a student is reading (the number of words they read correctly), their reading fluency (reading accuracy and pace) and their reading behaviours (their comprehension and ability to retell). Most importantly, the Continuous Reporting feedback provided by the teacher will outline the next steps for your child in the form of a reading goal and some suggested strategies for home learning you might be able to support your child with. In this way we are continuing to support and build our home school partnership by:

  • Providing opportunities to participate in your child’s education.
  • Communicating with you often enough about your child’s progress.
  • A deeper understanding of how your child is assessed.


We can confirm that following our School Council meeting last night, our school has suspended the administration fee that we charged for private providers e.g., NDIS working on site with students in our withdrawal / spare office space. This decision follows a meeting with parents who voiced concerns about the impact this fee was potentially having. Originally, this was a small charge designed to support and recognize the significant and additional workload required by our office and staff team in administering all the induction, Childsafe, room booking and OH & S process associated with these visits. Whilst this will continue to be a challenge, we recognize the concerns raised and pleased to report that we have reached this outcome. 


Interest in our school continues to be very strong and we continue to receive enrolments for Prep in 2024. Tours are still being held each Tuesday morning at 9.30am or by appointment. We are also gearing up for our “Experience Greenhills” sessions that are part of our transition program. These sessions aim to assist children and their families to feel comfortable and informed as they begin their learning journey at our school. The first session is on Thursday 10th August. Please contact the office to book in. 


James Penson
